Everything smells terrible please help

Posted By David (La Grande, Oregon) on 10/21/2014

i don't know if I have polyps or what but I have had this horrible thing happening for about seven years. what it is is a few different smells in my nose that make everything smell nasty! I get really bad pain in my sinuses and get almost tunnel vision. I honestly thought I was loosing my mind?.. maybe I am I don't know. I have never gone to a doctor because I honestly didn't know what to tell them. I thought I sounded like an idiot to say the least. after seven years I finally told my wife about it and she has been the only person I have told. it makes life miserable and makes me depressed when it happens. I hope more people have had the same problem! I mean I don't wish this on anyone but I hope this is something someone has figured out.

P.S. This is the first forum I have looked at and the first time researching this so I have never been to an MD or anything for this problem. PLEASE HELP


Replied by Carole (Michigan, US) on 10/21/2014


You're not crazy. I have had the same thing...more than once. I went to the doctor and he said I had a sinus infection and put me on medication. I'm prone to sinus problems...that's why I've had this problem more than once. I know the smell is gross. Also, using a neti pot really helps to clear out the sinuses. I use mine a lot, especially during the winter when I get all plugged up. Hope this helps.


Replied by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 10/21/2014

It sounds like you have an infection in your sinus. Don't worry about what to say to the doctor, just tell them your symptoms and at least get a diagnosis from them. Once you know what you are contending with, you can decide how to go about healing it.

Replied by Sweat Pea (Somewhere, Usa) on 10/21/2014

David, try Vitamin B2,100 mgs. 4 tablets a day. I wouldn't take them all at once but one at a time throughout the day. Please let us all know if it helps.

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