Elbows That Are Dry and Black

Posted By Hope (NYC, NY) on 07/22/2008

Hello, i am a 37 yr old caucasian woman. I have normal to oily skin except my elbows. They are rough dry and black. i don't lean on them or anything like that. How do i get them to be the same color as the rest of me? I cannot wear short sleeve tops because i am afraid that's the first thing people will see. please help.

Replied by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 01/26/2010

when my elbows would get dry and dirty - my grandmother would cut a lemon in half and tell me to stick my elbows in the lemon. i would sit that way for a while and then just wipe them off and dead skin and dirt would come off and my elbows would be back to normal!

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