Eczema Remedies

Posted By Sophie (Kerry, Munster, Ireland) on 08/20/2012

Hello I've had eczema since I was a baby/toddler I've tried loads of creams as in E45 one of the best creams but it hasnt worked for me and my skin is very sensitive. So I would like to know how to get rid of it with a home remedy. Could you please help?

Replied by Wendy (Columbus, Oh/usa) on 08/21/2012

Eczema won't go away UNTIL you've really cleaned up your diet. This means: NO sugar, NO caffeine, NO processed foods, maybe NO gluten, NO "white" foods (white rice, white flour, white breads, e. g. ). There's tons of information on this EarthClinic ("EC") site with recommendations about treating and getting rid of eczema.

I also have suffered, and still do from time to time, from eczema. When I completely go off sugar and processed foods, and regularly add organic Apple Cider Vinegar (contains "the mother") to the water that I drink, my eczema disappears. Rashes LOVE sugar; when you remove the sugar, the rashes go away.

I visited Northern Ireland back in 2002, and I know about, and have used, the E45 cream. Yes, it's very good for dry/sensitive skin, but will not cure eczema. I also know that many of the foods in Ireland are processed, and are full of fat and sugar.

Search this EC site for suggestions on how to eat healthfully, e. g. , maybe try the raw food diet for awhile and see how that works for you. Maybe try a mild fasting for a couple of days (nothing but fresh vegetables and fresh fruit with added Spirulina tablets for protein).

Again, do you research on this and other sites, and discover for yourself what works and doesn't work.

Good luck! :-)


Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 08/21/2012

Hi Wendy, I'm really glad you're reiterating this advice. I say this a lot on here but I see that many just want a quick fix such as a topical ointment or a pill. They may help temporarily and for relief from the symptom but they will not go to the root of the problem. It is usually from the diet or toxins but the cause is always internal. This takes work but it is well worth it in the long run because your health is restored!

Someone recently wrote in regarding a scalp infection of which the doctors were baffled by and yet they could not find hormonal, thyroid, mites, etc. I suggested candida but the reader said no. Another suggested cradle cap but if you study candida, that is just a manifestation of candida as is thrush, yeast infections, stomach issues, etc. It causes a myriad of problems. Doctors don't even recognize candida as an underlying cause of so many issues! They just write out the prescriptions! So, again, back to cleaning up the diet! That is first and foremost and then alongside begin to detox in various ways which there are many suggestions here on EC.

I myself, kept having so many various issues and then I went raw for 3 months and everything cleared up! Slowly, I re-introduced soups, then cooked veggies and then meat and finally, dairy. Now, I continually detox, eat a very healthy diet which, for me, means "eat close to the earth", strengthen my body with Chinese herbs and enjoy my life! May you all find your way to health, Lisa


Replied by Pugsley Fits (Mullumbimby, Nsw ) on 08/21/2012

Try epson salt baths as hot as you can stand the water and stay in bath for as long as possible. Here in Australia this substance can be purchased from farming cooperatives for as little as two dollars a kilo. Use about a quarter of a kilo per bath. Also keep your skin oiled with something like coconut oil especially when weather is dry and hot.

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