Dumping syndrome causing weight loss

Posted By Laverne (Callaway, Ne) on 09/20/2012

I have dumping syndrome and have lost lot of weight. I need a suggestion on helping this. I eat a little and I feel naseous if I try to eat more to the point of vomiting.

Replied by Evasan (Spanaway, Washington) on 08/04/2013

My gallbadder was removed in 2007, now I'm having rapid dumping syndrome?? My Dr. is confused. Has anyone had this problem? Thank You. Eva

Replied by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 08/06/2013

Hi Evason, one always has problems when you remove your gallbladder.

Replied by Trudy (Va) on 08/06/2013

This is called bile salts diarrhea. you eat, bile dumps to digest fats, you can't small-dose the bile w/o bladder, so you get 'poisoned' by all the bile. There is a product called cholestyramine that absorbs fats in the system--it's like sawdust that you mix up and drink before you eat. Nasty, but it'll fix your D. Ask your pharmacist, they know more than the dr, and he may be able to call the dr and get you a prescription. Don't suffer, or waste money on 'natural' fixes to an unnatural problem.

Replied by Mary (Blacksburg, Va) on 11/18/2013

I get the stomach dumping as well but ONLY when I eat at certain restaurants. Seems an additive or preservative causes my issue. Example-lettuce from Wendy's does it every time or something from Olive Garden probably the lettuce as well. However, Lettuce from Burger King does not do it. So I assume that it is the spray additive used to keep the lettuce from turning brown or another commonly used, in the restaurant industry, chemical. But I also get it from some home cooked meals when I use certain products. But when I cook something from all raw ingredients I do not get it.

Replied by Trudy (Al) on 11/18/2013

Mary from Blacksburg: this is typical of ibs-d and gallbladder issues. Many things can cause it, but there are a few things you can do the prevent it. One is to take a psyllium product (you can get it in capsules, so it's portable). When traveling, I take 3-6 capsules right before eating. They say to drink lots of water with them, but I drink constantly so I don't drink additional. They absorb fluids in the gut and seems to calm the area, so you don't get hit as hard by the food you then put in there. My issue is oils, mainly, and the psyllium coats and soothes. Yes, it's marketed as a laxative, but it's kind of gelatinous and not a stimulant. Pulls fluid into the gut, but not if it has already absorbed the bile caused to be pumped in by whatever you ate. Heather von Vorous has an article about it at her ibs website.

Replied by David Cook (England) on 09/16/2014

Eva= I had my gall bladder out in 2007 also and I believe I have dumping syndrome still very occasionally. So you are not the only one. I have I believe passed out twice when it has happened, since the surgery. It is quite frightening.

Replied by Thenaturalway (Wi) on 07/01/2018

I had rapid dumping years ago. I was able to control it by going to a high fat diet which slowed digestion and eventually dumping syndrome went away. I guess it depends on what causes the condition. Everyone is different.
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