Does Sickle Cell Disease Have Any Telltale Signs?

Posted By Unique85 (Houston, Tx, United States) on 01/21/2012

Does anyone know of any symptoms along with the sickle cell trait I hear there are none but I have chest pains and joint pains and when I work out I can't breathe. Chest hurts very bad when I try to take a deep breathe.

Replied by Ashlee (Houston, Tx) on 09/20/2012

If you were born in 85 thats something that you would have been tested for as a baby so think you can rule that out.

Replied by Angela (Dalton) on 11/21/2016

Sounds like you got it. I used to have to be put on oxygen but now I tuff it out. I found out eating good helps with the chest pain. Iron helps with leg pain. As for the weakness and fatigue,, I just get extra rest. I take vitamins and minerals and iron and folic acid. Valerian root at a herb store, the kind you cook is great for pain and chemistry balance I notice when I use it. I drank 2 oz. three times a day. And in summer laying in the sun really helps your joints. Godbless you. I'll be praying for you.
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