Does anyone have remedies for prurigo nodularis

Posted By Miss T (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 01/21/2010

Prurigo Nodularis - Pickers Nodules

Does anyone have any home remedies for pickers nodules my derm has suggested steroid injections but im trying to avoid those if at all possible. I am dark skinned and the injection will cause severe discoloration of the skin from what i've read. I think i developed my PN during a very stressful time. I also developed eczema during that time also.

Any suggestions you can provide would be greatly appreciated!!!


Replied by Gknot (Littlteon, Nh, Usa) on 03/29/2010

I have been suffering from neurodermatitis for 6 years and have had a hard time accepting this. I demanded that it was some other ailment. After 5 doctors and 3 dermatologist later I'm so desperate for relief! None of the prescribed methods have worked, steriod creams, predisone, injections (not sure what that was). I have turned to natural cures. I have to stop the scratch / itch cycle. What I understand is that the itch starts and once I give in then other areas itch. It was only on my legs my left worse than my right. Now it has spread to my buttocks, back and arms. The wounds don't get a chance to heal, acually they sometimes get infected and I have to do a antibiotic. So I have been rebuilding my immune systerm, I have been on a skin diet, (no allergins in my soap, laundry soap, creams. I often wonder if it's an allergy to a food I'm eatting. I tried being Gluten Free but it doesn't help my skin, just life long constipation. Then I read by looking up itchy skin that sometimes it's an iron deficiency. Because of this site I've tried Apple Cider Vinegar baths, Baking Soda Baths, Borax Baths, bleach baths. oatmeal baths, epsom salts baths. Nothing really helped, then a Doctor suggested I use zinc oxide cream 40% this helped heal sores but the dryness caused more scratching. Now I'm using oil of oregano with some relief. Also a new excema baby cream it contains calendula, this is really helping. When I wake up in the night scratching I apply it and try to stop scraching. It does give me relief. I also tried a liquid bandaid and that help me not open wounds. I hope this helps and I'm hoping for a successful stoping of the scratch/itch cycle.

Replied by Sramzy45 (Atwater, Ca, Us) on 03/18/2011

For both Miss T and Gknot I have had PN for a number of years now and find that it is much worse in the hot summers around where I live. I have found more relief from those cooling gels they sell through cosmetics stores and Avon than anything. Besides that they're usually pleasantly scented so you get a nice scent to go along with them. Aloe Vera gel works well also and you can usually get a huge bottle of that at the dollar store. I also take cool showers twice a day at times and sometimes those calming pills or antihistamines work wonders. I try to stay away from scrips and the stuff from the medical doctors. Once you get the sore, tea tree oil takes them almost away and vitamin e oil really reduces the scarring. Tea tree oil also helps to relieve the itching once you've got the sores as well. But honestly try the gels they're great I bought a whole bunch a couple of years ago from an avon outlet catalog dirt cheap and am probably going to use the last one up the beginning of the summer. Hope this works for you. Take care.

Replied by Aqua196 (Vineland, N.j) on 11/24/2011

I have had this problem for about 2 years, my dermatoligist had been injecting me with steroids, but I soon tired of the constant needles. I did some research on the Internet and found a soultion that works, but it may cause irritation to some individuals. The OTC drugstore brand of Capsaicin 0.1%, applied 3-4 times daily has worked for me, but beware, the cream contains cayenne, which, when first applied, gives a burning sensation to that area.

Replied by Irina (Earth) on 01/25/2012

There is a huge international forum for prurigo nodularis patients on yuku forums - just google "prurigo nodularis forum" - you'll get there! There are about 300 people there and you can ask questions and share your remedies.

I found an AMAZING remedy there posted by AnnaMaria from Montreal. She bought several kilograms of dried chamomile herb and was making a tea and adding it to baths and healed her PN in 3 weeks (she had it for a year all over her body and scalp).

I only had about 10 bumps on my arms, which were healed (not bleeding), but I could not get rid of them for 3 months -they were still brown-purple... I used steroid creams, manuka honey, vitamin E oil, vitamin D oil - without much result. So I bought a bag of dried chamomile and were soaking small pieces of cotton in the tea and taping it to each bump. I first was only doing it overnight, and they got better. Then I added chopped onions to my chamomile tea (from eartclinic burns remedy) and kept in on 24 hours straight, just adding more tea to the cotton-ball pieces - all the bumps became white, all the ugly color is gone! I just hope I'll be able to get tan on them... It looks like keeping bumps soaked in chamomile/onion tea all the time make them heal really fast!

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Replied by Cindy9 (Phoenix, Az) on 05/18/2012

I have been suffering with this for a few yrs. now too. The fight is exhausting but I will not give up for natural relief. I have tried the shots the steroids they just messed up my insides, since it is an autoimmune disorder. I have upped the game by staying away from Soy lecthin, they way the process it in certain prods. Is often the culprit there. I don't do rye, wheat, barley. Somewhat gluten free and it has helped but I have also noticed that too much salt will irritate it. I have recently found a cream called EMUOIL it is obviously a cream with emu oil in it, I have yet to order it b/c it's quite costly, but I am searching for a similiar prod. less expensive, but I will try it and get back to you guys. Sincerely suffering in the desert, you are not alone. I will also try that other blog.

Replied by Jan (Palm Desert, Ca) on 06/07/2012

I've used pure Emu oil. It differently takes the itching away and softens the skin. But does not heal the lesions. And it is very expensive. 4 oz bottle approx $50.00. for the pure oil.

Replied by Positivecate (Medina, Oh) on 07/26/2012

I have suffered for nearly 4 years with PN. I've tried just about everything including injections into the nodules (sometimes 30 per visit). There are many products that offer temporary relief to the itching/pinching but I've not found anything to actually heal them. Pure Emu oil has made the biggest difference in regards to controlling the itch. I would be lost without ice packs which I use throughout the day and night. However, I recently came across a study that was done by a German scientist and he claimed that 33 people with PN were put on Capsaicin 0.025% 4 times a day and all of the study subjects were healed of the nodules and symptoms. My doctor has prescribed the cream for me and I am going to begin using it today.
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Replied by Molly (Springdale, Arkansas) on 09/16/2014

The capsaicin hp (high potency) really works for Prurigo Nodularis . The problem is that it is so hot that you actually have to put it on with gloves and not touch the area you have put it on. You are not suppose to put tight clothing over it because that will really heat you up. If you put it on before bed, your skin is burning so much that you cannot sleep. It does work, but it is not comfortable or very user friendly. You also cannot take a hot bath or shower when you have it on or do any kind of exercise that will heat up the system. If you can stand the extreme burning, than use it.
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Replied by Anelissa (Brisbane) on 07/01/2015

Having success in reducing plaques and lesions using a vodka brandy concoction, dabbing on with cotton page only minor stinging for one second if open lesion. It's only day 5 but tremendous improvement. But yes, you still have to pick scale but you'll be amazed how easy that then is, after the vodka brandy has annihilated the virus. You don't have to believe my theory that this is caused by a virus just to try this and be amazed. Have resisted capsaicain because I don't like the sound of the gross discomfort. My skin is strong but also very sensitive to sprays.
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Replied by Colin (Belfast) on 01/29/2017

Hi all my name is Colin. I am 59 yrs old and have had PN for a few yrs . My condition started as a result of a personal nature leading to a lot of chance I was at a hospital for laser treatment for tattoo removal. My consultant looked at my sores and gave me a letter for my doctor. Elocon cream was given to me, didnt find it very good, but duoderm extra thin hydrocolloid dressing available from your doctor works!!!!! The dressing comes in the format 10cmx10cm.cut them to suit the wound. They stick very well even in the shower. The dressing will show a lump where the sore is. Leave on for three days, you will be amazed at the result.

I wish everyone who reads this a speedy recovery and good health.


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Replied by Allison (Hiram, Ga) on 05/03/2017

I have had PN for 12 years. I am taking Green tea to kill the mycobacterium. I take it with lemon and 3 green illiachi. Best tasting medicine ever!

You can drink 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar in water morning & night to kill it, but I have low blood pressure so that knocked me out. Green tea cleans out your epidermis& resolves the lesions.

I am making a homeopathic medicine, because telling pn sufferers not to scratch is pure lunacy! Eating aloe will help with scarring.

Dr. Axe says: avoid sugar, carbs and starchy vegetables. What's left? Meat & cruciferous veggies. Sugar feeds the mycobacterium, so eating sugar in ANY form prolongs your illness.

It looks like a variation on candida. God Bless you all!

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Replied by Allison (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/25/2017

I am still enjoying my lovely, bacteria killing tea.

I just wanted to share my newly discovered clove and mint baths. It made my skin feel so clean! The menthol in mint lifts bacteria out of the skin, while the cloves anesthetize the itch. So good!

There is a clove and mint soap available online if you want to use it in the shower...not always time for a bath!

So naturally, I am drinking clove and star anise tea to do the same work on the inside. Cloves contain Eugenol 680000. Just rinsing your hands with clove tea acts as a natural antiseptic.

Pub Med says Prurigo is caused by mycobacterium. It is resistant to antibiotics, and I have tried it so many times, but it only works for a short time, kills all your good bacteria and leaves you in a weakened state, so looking for God's natural cure is the only way to go, in my opinion.

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Replied by Terry (Calgary) on 02/22/2018

medical vaseline. Silver gel, silver hydrofiber

Replied by Jes (Ny) on 08/16/2021

So I had Prurigo Nodularis for a year and I found for my raw shea butter soap and yellow shea butter worked, also the antimicrobial soap work with cool showers. Also I found that emu oil and a homeopathic anti itch oil which worked in seconds.
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