Difficulty urinating antibiotics and remedies not working

Posted By Zachcurrin (Hanford, Ca,) on 09/18/2014

I'm having trouble urinating. Feels like it gets better at times. Then it gets worse. It flucuates. Maybe its because I still smoke blunts. But was taking flomax. Not sure if its helping. Was drinking cranberry juice and azo. Seemed like it helped. But doc said stop using AZO. Gave me a prosititus antibiotic. Didn't do anything. Felt like the flomax might of helped a bit. When I drink enough water and I relax I can urinate. I can urinate in the middle of the night pretty good most of the time. This problem has been for about a month now. Just started taking ACV AND trying the AZO pills again with it. Also just changed up my diet. More fluid. Water, cranberry. Fruits, veggies. Salads. Minimal dressing (balsamic) not to often on dressing though. There is a slight burn when I urinate, not to bad. When I push, it is hard to urinate sometimes. Takes awhile to to relax for myself to start urinating. Sometimes get slight pains in my side. No nausea, no vomiting. No colds or chills or fevers.... WHAT CAN I DO?????

Replied by Prioris (FL, US) on 09/19/2014

Uva utis is a powerful herb that cures bladder infection. Cranberry is limited. Take 500 mg of uva utis twice a day. Take it with 8 oz of water mixed with one tsp of baking soda. It requires an alkaline environment to release the active ingredient. Do not take for more than a week. You could double dose first day.

Replied by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 09/19/2014

Since it doesn't seem to be responding to antibiotics, infection doesn't seem likely. The next likely cause may be prostate enlargement. Try taking zinc for your prostate.

Another possibility is take magnesium and potassium to help relax the pipes, so to speak.

Smoking also depletes your vit C. I t couldn't hurt to supplement that as well.

It's a good idea to do research on these so you have an idea as to dosages people take as well as side effects.


Replied by Prioris (Fl, US) on 09/19/2014

For Prostrate Enlargement, 3 tablespoons of [Plantation] Blackstrap Molasses from supermarket for a couple days has done wonders for people who posted on earth clinic.

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 09/20/2014

Prioris (Fl, US) did you see Ted's super quick method of dealing with bladder infection? I tried it and it was a super quick deal. One tsp. of sea salt or celtic salt and down the hatch. That was all. I sure worked instantly. I would try it again. BTW Ted has done it time and again.

Namaste, Om


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