Lump in Throat, Difficulty Swallowing After Recovering From Pneumonia

Posted By Dinnyboy (Ma) on 09/14/2016

I haven't written in a while, but suffered a strange virus in the spring that developed into bronchial pneumonia. Since recovering, it has left me with difficulty in swallowing. This started in May and still continues. My doctor (who I have since left-i fired her, but she doesn't know yet) said it was nothing and was my imagination. I didn't see any posts here about dysphagia, so if anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated. I have had hypothyroidism for years, and in addition to my coconut oil, my doctor insisted I did have to go back on levothyroxine .50 mcg. This is the only chemical drug I take. Otherwise, my health has been pretty good for a 64 year old woman. Any help out there from anyone? Thanks and God Bless.

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