Posted By Newwantanswers (Dallas, Tx) on 05/20/2012

I started seeing white granule coming from my skin. And before they would appear it would itch in that spot. Mainly my arms and eyes, also feel like something/s is crawling under skin. I looked it up and found morgellons. I also started noticing little flying bugs around me no matter where I went. I keep some in a bag. The lime green one really scared me. I've been reading up on this and trying some cure actions. Me and my husband have it, but none of our kids. MY QUESTION IS THIS. BEFORE I NOTICED THEM COMING FROM MY SKIN, I NOTICED THESE WHITE GRANULES COMING FROM MY BED. Always reappearing. I won't sleep in the bed any longer. Husband still does. Do anyone else think they got this from their bed?

Replied by Tigatail (Miami, Fl) on 07/08/2012

I got this from a bed.

Replied by Jen (Woodbridge, Northern Virginia) on 01/27/2013

I think it is a case making moth that infests your bed. Looks like lint, because it is small and wraps itself in the fibers from the box spring. The granuals are another part of the life cycle. If I told the long story of how I figured this out, it would be very depressing. Lift your matress and look inside the box springs. Then call 1-800got junk to haul both away. Clean the room, removing all webs, lint, or any sign of moths. Wash clothes in borax and hydrogen peroxide. Get rid of clothes that just don't ever become free of lint. I use "bye bye blemish" on my face. The sulphur in it heals my skin quickly. Good luck!

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