Diagnosis and remedies needed for mystery abdominal pain

Posted By Prioris (Fl, USA) on 09/18/2014

I have pain in my lower abdomen on the left. Anyone know what that signifies ?

I am 59 years old. I thought colon but I think not after treating that. Seems where the ureter would enter the bladder.

I'm thinking possible kidney infection which may be from a bladder infection. I have had it for some time.

In the last month sometime, I felt more pressure that seems centered around my bladder. I have no fever, can urinate ok, no blood. Just some pressure sensation around bladder area especially bottom half of rectum area.

I decided to try to treat it. I tried drinking 1/4 cup of ACV in pint of water before bed and upon rising. Also 2 tablets of renavive. I also took some curcumin tablets, vit c/rosehip and saw palmetto tablets. It's been a week and problem still there.

I am now trying 900 mg uva utis capsules with 8 oz of water with 1 tsp of baking soda. Also 3 tablespoons of Plantation blackstrap molasses.

Any ideas on what is happening and possible solutions.

BTW I am male.

The pain is a small spot. The size of a dime. It is two inches below the naval and two inches to the left. I can push my finger around it and I don't feel the pain. The rectum feels like constipation but I do have a bowel movement every day.


Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/19/2014

Dear Prioris,

It sounds like you are doing many great things to try to resolve this.

Since reading your post last night, two things keep going through my mind; charcoal poultice or castor oil packs over the area. You might alternate the two. Or, massage some castor oil into the area a couple of times a day and then use a charcoal poultice overnight. I would do this for a week to see if anything changes. Frankincense essential oil massaged into the area may bring some relief and can be used at the same time as castor oil.

While you are not experiencing constipation, it is possible to not seem constipated and yet have a mild/partial blockage in the colon. The castor oil may help if that were the case.

Nettle Root may also be of help as it is helpful to prostrate/kidney/bladder issues of middle aged men, though it doesn't sound like you are having a specific issue, other than the pain.

Finally, I had a friend with a severe bladder infection (female) who found that one can take too much Apple Cider Vinegar. She was helped when she cut back.

Please keep us posted! I hope you feel better soon.

~Mama to Many~


Replied by Prioris (Florida, US) on 09/19/2014

I was thinking about putting castor oil and some infrared heat to help absorb it. So good idea.

It is possible I could have some proctitis. Maybe do a h202 rinse with dropper inside my anus.


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