Diagnosed for barretts acid reflux

Posted By Evelyn (Lakeland, Florida) on 11/29/2010

I was diagnosed with chronic Acid Reflux, Hiatal hernia, Barretts esophagus and mild gastritis and was prescribed 2 Omeprazole 20mg a day. The pills don't seem to be working; In fact it is getting worse. I have a pressure in my chest all the time. My heartbeat is irregular. I have been experiencing hair loss. I am also upset that I was told that I would be on these pills for the rest of my life. I have not tried the ACV and worry that it will upset the Barretts. If anyone out there has any suggestions I would really appreciate your feedback. I have also suffered from chronic cough but have been using Saline nasal spray every night before bed and in the morning. My cough is completely gone. I lived on cough drops. It is worth a try. Thanks to everyone on this site. I will certainly try some of these remedies.

Replied by Mike (Montreal, Quebec) on 11/29/2010

Evelyn its always nice to hear from someone with almost identical digestive issues I had for the first time in my life that started about a year ago. I am now completely free from the symptoms you mentioned BECAUSE I DECIDED NOT TO TRUST DOCTORS AT ALL!! . I am in no way attempting to sell a specific product so use your judgment and DON'T BE AFRAID TO EXPERIMENT. That is so important!!! Because doctors are well known to prescribe drugs that is the result of a completely wrong diagnostic of your disease. When you trust ANY doctor and decide to take his or her prescribed medications then you are at very serious risk of making your disease get worse. If you really care about your health then don't be afraid to EXPERIMENT. I have done so towards my medical problem that was similar to yours which took me about a year and you would not believe how many natural products I have tried until I was able to find the right combination!!! Here is how I cure my problem:

(1) I started eating RAW fruits and vegetables at least twice a day. This would include carrots, beets, romaine lettuce, spinach, parsley, radish, cucumber, broccoli (yes in raw form),
And all the fresh fruits available at the supermarket including fresh pineapple. MAIN RESULTS: huge impact in completely getting rid of my heartburn.

(2) Lots of fresh salmon cooked in olive oil.

(3) Chicken soup everyday (chicken fat builds the immune system)

(4) 4 cups of green tea with peppermint. It was hard at first to keep eating fresh fruits and vegetables but in the end it was all well worthed because I feel I now have the same energy level I had when I was a healthy 20 year old.

Evelyn, whether you realize it or not you may be on course to a complete disintegration of your whole digestive system so you must rebuild it like I have done so from scratch. The way to do so is at mealtime you must consume enzymes and especially Betaine HCL to help the healing process of your whole digestive system. It is similar to wearing a cast to mend a broken leg rather than continue to apply pressure on it. Enzymes and Betaine HCL will act as a supporting agent for your whole digestive system giving your stomach, liver and pancreas a much needed rest after every meal. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will provide the necessary minerals and vitamins desperately needed by your body to rebuild your digestive system. I hope you take this advice seriously because I can never picture myself in a hospital bed under extensive sedation rotting away in unspeakable pain because of terminal illness that could have easily been prevented from eating the right kinds of food that my body needed all along. I was very fortunate that my disease did not reached an uncontrollable state because in total I only suffered 2 quite major heartburn and immediately took severe action to avoid the endless cycle of heartburn followed by antacid until your body becomes at risk of reaching cancerous stages. One heartburn is too many and is clearly signs of a deterioration digestive system I would not want to picture myself as a means of passing away in unbearable pain. I am not trying to scare you Evelyn, but rather hopefully help you recognize the warning signs that a significant change in eating habits is in order before irreparable damage to your whole digestive system is done.

It worked so well for me with no more heartburn, back to normal liver enzyme levels, cholesterol levels in the normal range and above all having disappointed my doctor who insisting that I have my gall bladder removed. Based on my ultrasound test just completed last week the radiologist in her own words stated "... Your gallbladder is not quite 100%". Again I am not trying to sell any products here and have no reason to lie about my remarkable recovery at the age of 58. I hope you will find this account of my personal experience with severe heartburn a motive to experiment with natural products until a cure is found. DON'T PUT IT OFF!!!! Everyday you allow to continue may add one more nail in your coffin. That is what got me paying attention to eating the right kind of food.

As a last remark I would say the greatest contribution in my opinion for completely restoring my health had to be the result of mainly consuming large quantities of Betaine HCL. This in combination with as many fresh fruits and vegetables along with plenty of salmon and chicken fat was the magic bullet for me. I always say that each heartburn is equivalent to a heart attack for a patient with a weak heart. The end results always lead to further deterioration and eventually... Well you can take it from there. Mike


Replied by Peter (Chicago, Il) on 11/30/2010

Hi Mike,
Your post is very informative. Can you educate me how does chicken fat help with immune system ? Whenever I make my chicken stock, I always skim that off, maybe I should not do that in the future.

Replied by Mike (Montreal, Quebec) on 11/30/2010

This is the most informative link I have found about the health benefits of saturated fats: www.health-report.co.uk/saturated_fats_health_benefits.htm

Have ever heard about grandma's old chicken soup recipe for treating a cold?

Replied by Name (City, State) on 12/17/2010

Don't know if it would work for you but when I lay down to sleep some nights there is a lot of pressure in my chest. Avoiding coffee and salt and taking valerian root or magnesium sulfate makes it go away.

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