Fibroid Remedy Help Requested

Posted By Standing Flower (Ny) on 07/11/2018

Hi am new to this site. I stumbled upon it through the website. I searched for natural ways to get rid of fibroids. I did this because I am controlling my Diabetes without medication.

Here is a brief summary of my condition.

41 year old female with known fibroids, enlarged uterus; Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified

Ultrasound of the pelvis was performed utilizing transabdominal and
endovaginal approaches (endovaginal approach for better demonstration
of adnexal structures and endometrium) assessing gray scale
appearance and color Doppler flow.

None Available

Size: 12.6 x 7.5 x 7.9 cm.
Appearance: Enlarged and heterogeneous in echotexture and contour,
containing numerous focal myometrial masses consistent with fibroids.
Representative lesions include intramural fibroid in the right
anterior body, measuring 4.1 x 3.6 x 3.5 cm, subserosal fibroid in
the posterior uterine body measuring 4.6 x 3.3 x 4.3 cm, subserosal
fibroid in the left uterine fundus measuring 6.7 x 5.2 x 6.9 cm .

Endometrium: 7 mm in thickness. No mass or increased vascularity.

Right ovary:
Size: 3.5 x 1.8 x 1.9 cm
Appearance: Normal
Flow: Normal

Left ovary:
Could not be definitively identified. No left adnexal lesion

No free pelvic fluid.

1. Leiomyomatous uterus, as detailed above.
2. Nonvisualization of the left ovary. No left adnexal lesion

Any suggestions from those who have used natural remedies to shrink fibroids?

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Replied by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/11/2018

Very simply, iodine protects areas in the body it accumulates, particularly the mucous linings and sexual organs. Lack of Iodine allows cysts, fibroids, fungus, tumors, cancers to grow. Supplementing iodine in the form of Lugols Iodine will reduce fibroids. See Iodine Protocol here on EC for details and also google high dose iodine specifically iodalactone. Best to you
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Replied by Bill (Philippines) on 07/15/2018

As Teena has already said, lack of iodine is usually the primary reason for fibroids and cysts.

But it's not just a case of supplementing just Lugol's Iodine every day. You must ensure that you also take all recommended companion nutrients/vitamins with the iodine every day as well.

Here is an article that I wrote a while ago from my research on the many benefits of supplementing Lugol's Iodine.

The Many Health Benefits of Lugol's Iodine

And here is a link to the proper Iodine Protocol that you should follow.

The Lugols Iodine Protocol

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