Need Help Detoxing From Trichothecene Mycotoxins

Posted By Debbie (Lodi, Nj) on 11/06/2016

About 5 years ago I started having periodic dizzy spells and sinus infections. I started drinking Gatorade daily thinking that I might have been dehydrated. Then I started having food intolerances. First it was peanuts. Then I wasn't able to have any vinegar. Then slowly I was unable to eat mayonnaise ketchup tomato sauce . I had no idea what was happening. Each time I would eat any of them I would get a really bad headache and neck pain that was so bad that I started wearing a neck collar because my head was too heavy. I'd suffer from blurred vision, dizziness and exhaustion It was so difficult to focus and the only thing I was able to focus on was not passing out. The sicker I got the more I was home and the more I was home the sicker I was getting. 2 years ago I went to the berkshires over the New Years holiday and was was so weak that I didn't think I was even going to be able to go. My cousins drove and after 4 days there I was beginning to feel like myself again. I then realized that isomer hung in my home environment was making me sick. My family thought I was going crazy and depressed. I kept trying to tell them that it was a physical issue and yes I was becoming depressed because I was no longer able to do things that I used to be able to but depression was not the reason that I was not able to.

After the berkshires trip I had the air in my house tested for mold and the tests came back with mold present but not anything to worry about. I had the air ducts cleaned and sanitized, the chimney cleaned, the washer and dryer cleaned, air condition unit cleaned, tested house for formaldehyde, radon, lead. I then thought maybe it was my new mattress and got rid of it. Still whenever I was home for any length of time I would start having the symptoms again. A mold specialist had recommended checking the lines to see if they were capped when I had switched from oil heat to gas 10 years ago. I checked and they were not capped so I had them removed. I moved back into the house hoping that I had finally found the problem but unfortunately the symptoms returned. At this point I thought maybe my family was correct and I was going crazy.

While searching on the Internet I found a lab somewhere in Arizona or Texas that tests a Urine sample for mold. I asked my doctor to request it for me. The test came back positive for mold trichothecene I still have no idea where the mold is. I am now redoing my bathroom since five years ago I had a bath fitter put in. I'm also getting rid of my washer and dryer because although it was cleaned thoroughly by a technician it did show signs of mold. The last thing that I'm going to do is have a piece of the air vent changed because one area has a white powdery substance forming in it but every one keeps telling me that it's nothing. I just don't understand people sometimes ... When you are dealing with health issues. Nothing is nothing and you have to try anything that you can think of. I've been staying at my parents house for the past 3 months and am feeling so much better just not being in my home. I'm having issues eating anything with citric acid in it and I was wondering if that will ever go away.

Any assistance or input would really be helpful and greatly appreciated.

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