Detoxing from artificial sweeteners used for 20 plus years

Posted By Mariana (San Pablo, Ca., Usa) on 07/06/2011

I was just wondering how long it takes to detox from abusing these artificial sweetners, like splenda, aspertame, and all the rest? I have been drinking diet sodas since the early 80's. Since then I've gotten epilepsy, memory loss, slurring of words, very tired, aches in my joints, eye sight is worse, sleepless nights, tumors in my throat. Well you get the picture. I since stopped using all artificial sweetners for about 2 weeks now. But I am interested in how long it has taken for any of you. Thank you all.

Replied by Luann (Rapid City, Sd) on 12/20/2011

Well, I started on artificial sweeteners at age 9. By 2007 I was very ill, FMS, Candidasis (Systemic), allergies, aches and pains, MCS, Chronic Fatigue. It took me 5 years to research and come back. I am feeling pretty good, but... Have now discovered what I thought was plain old candidiasis precipitating it all, come to realize that my long term use of diet products, from saccharine, to aspartame has caused great suffering. I no longer drink or eat diet products of any kind for the past year and of recent realized that the occassional aspartame I sipped on, is keeping me from moving forward.

I have gone from rolled up in a ball in bed and not being able to function to back in the ball game again.

I still suffer from MCS, but not as bad. FMS seems to be very little effect on me. I have changed my diet, but now see that I have to be very delingent and get totally detoxed. I am starting on food grade hydrogen perioxide. I can sleep mainly well with exception of maybe a little toss and turning, and allergies to coffee, caffeine, and mold foods. My candida is under control. I do not eat sugar at all. I lost 140 lbs since 2007 and holding.

I am going to try to do some of the detox suggestions and really step it up. Wow, the interent saved my life literally.

Spread the word about excitotoxins. We need to stop buying the products they are offering that are killing millons of people slowly.

Remember if you don't buy it, they can't sell it, which means they will try to make better products that are safer. Consumers can speak loud in large numbers.


Replied by Luann (Rapid City, Sd) on 12/20/2011

It has taken me about 1 year to stop aspartame and artificial sweetners, but here real recently I do not consume any, not even a sip. Biggest improvement was my mcs. It will take everyone different amount of time according to how they eat, what they do to detoxify. If I think it has MSG or Aspartame or any other chemical, the answer is NO. I do not ever want to be that sick again.

I kept telling my husband when I was at my worst, it feels like I have been poisoned. Just recently I found out that I was right.

What ever time it takes, take the time to get healthy.

I have my life back. I am so glad I made the changes. Had to do it gradually, but I now am a firm believer that nutrition is the way to go. Don't let anyone fool you. Do the research, and get well again. It can happen, I am living proof. My family cannot believe how much better I am.

Neither can I.


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