Desperate for help with heavy painful periods

Posted By V (Some City, Some State, Usa) on 08/13/2012

I'm desperate for help with period pain. I cannot go to a doctor but I might just have to if I can't get this under control.

I've suffered with extremely painful period since my first one when I was 12. They used to be really heavy as well but at 18 it slowed down significantly. Now at 20, I still have the extreme pain. During the beginning (first three days) my pelvic area at the front and my lower abdomen is really sore to press in on, even just a little bit and even when I'm not touching it, it just feels like I've been kicked repeatedly. I feel like this on most days til I get to the fourth day which is when the cramping starts.

The cramping starts at a random time and lasts from a half hour and up to two hours. The pain is through my lower back, my stomach, down my hips and into my thighs. It also makes my bowels move on top of that so during this time I'm either running to the bathroom or staying there till the cramping passes. The pain is so bad I want to just die. Afterwards I'm exhausted and sore all over.

I can't function normally. I haven't even been able to get a job because of this.

I've tried these things to see if they would help and how they affected me,

ACV - Worked only once to take away the pain, which was two years ago. I've been taking about a tablespoon everyday for the past two weeks leading up to my period and it only made my skin look better.
BSM - This hasn't done anything at all. I've been taking a tablespoon of this as well for the past two weeks.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea - This I took for three months, one cup everyday the whole month and up to four cups a day during my period. The first month was amazing, I had cramping but it was very easy to handle. The second & third months I was back to extreme pain again. I was so happy when this worked but now it's not.
Dong Quai - Tasted horrible and did nothing.
White Willow Bark - Same as above.

I started taking a Magnesium & Calcium supplement this week to help with constipation and I'll see if it will help my period but since I'm still in pain right now, I don't think it will.

I'm overweight (about 100 lbs. Over) and my diet hasn't been too great either but I'm working on fixing that. The thing is I've had this even before I gained the weight and I was eating really healthily and got tons of exercise. I can't figure it out at all!!

I am gluten intolerant and went completely g-free for about three months which helped the first month but didn't on the second two.

Can anyone help me out?? I'm desperate for anything at all at this point.


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/14/2012

V, some thoughts: for my kids the BSM works after a while, not right away, so try it at least for 2 months before giving up on it.

Other things that work for cramping are: oregano tea (the best), just pour hot water over a teaspoon of oregano spice, let it sit a bit and sip.

camomile tea (second best) same as above with the tea bag.

And for long term help (works in at least 2-3 months if it's going to work) sage tea. At first, two teas a day, one morning and one evening. If it works, slow down to one a day.


Replied by V (Some City, Some State, Usa) on 08/14/2012

Thank you, I'll try those out!

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