David has annoying problem and sinus issue

Posted By David (Croydon, UK) on 08/29/2014

Hi my names David and I have a annoying issue with my nose. Basically produces too many boogers and I'm not exaggerating. Blowing my nose is not sufficient to get rid of them, I have to get a cloth and clean out my nose atleast 3 times a day otherwise it can be very annoying and uncomfortable.Does anyone have any advice they can offer me on how to resolve this? Thanks!!!

Replied by Ji (Ontario, Canada) on 08/30/2014

Hi David. If you are that congested, your body is reacting to something you are doing or are exposed to daily. It could be as simple as a reaction to certain foods. The most common food that can cause this body response is daily comsumption of dairy products which for certain people results in lung and/or nasal congestion, which the body valiently tries to get rid of by any means possible. To see if dairy is your problem, cut off all dairy for a month and see if the problem decreases or not.

Replied by Candice (Hermosa Beach, California, Usa) on 08/30/2014

Hi, I had this very same issue recently. It was caused after I caught a virus on a plane and had sinus congestion for weeks. I realized, finally, that I had gotten more sensitive to wheat after getting this virus and that was causing constant boogers. Try going gluten free for a few days and that should help. If it doesn't help, try going dairy free. One of the two is causing your issue in my opinion. Good luck! Let us know how you do.

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