Daughters skin discolored after taking molluscum meds

Posted By Alexandra (Tumon, Guam) on 10/24/2009

Question: My daughter's skin has been discolored after using a prescribed podofilox gel to rid her of molluscum contagiousm (sp?). Where the MC once was now the skin has turned white with small remmnants of the MC in the middle. It is as if the ointment burned away her skin color, she is half caucasion and half pacific islander. We have been applying vitamin E capsules but not very diligently....there is minor change however I am not sure if it is because she is young (11yrs) or if the vit E is working. Any suggestions? Alexandra

Replied by Andrea C (Wales) on 10/02/2013

Hi give your Daughter children's Zinc, I had this when I was 11 and am mixed race also, one DR, said it was Eczema, and gave me Hydrocortisone cream, another said it was Psoriasis, more cream, and another some thing else. In the end I was sent to see a Dermatologist, yet another diagnosis, and a Gynecologist who was walking past me noticed it and said oh! You've got, and said some Latin word. I can't remember the Latin for it, but when I and my Mother asked 'What's that'? turn's out it was 'Stress fungus!! Its not catching, its inturned stress, children get stress too it's not just big people, and as a child I was very uptight, but people don't seem to notice it in children, or think your just acting up. My Mother had stopped the creams when she found out what it was. And I was practically washing in the stuff as the light patches looked as if my skin was dirty with lighter bit's in between. Your child is probably the same skin shade as me, and my Mum and Family elder's were big on natural cures and supplements, so my Mother put me on Children's Zinc, and it was a Miracle cure. My friend's Daughter also had it when she was 4yrs old, due to her Father, whom she idolised, going to jail for four year's, and she was diagnosed with the same shopping list as me too. So I told her what I am telling you, shes mixed race as well, and abracadabra! It cleared up beautifully! Adults get it too, and go forward a few year's, My Father, mixed race, was another one diagnosed with every thing but. I told him what it was, but he believed the Dr first, then thought it was the Med's he was on. In the end I bought adults zinc tablet's then HIS went away too. He thought it was Vitiligo at one point, because of the lightening patches, and when you go out in the sun it look's worse, I have had it as I got older too, and its not just people with darker skin, race is not an issue any one can get it. Its embarrassing when you don't know what it is which stresses you out even more. Its worth a try, I would definitely go with the Zinc if it was my child, but give her children's zinc, an adult version will be too high a dose. Love Andrea C xxxxxx

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