Daughter 15 has wolff parkinson white syndrome

Posted By Tahiti (Monroeville, Pa, United States Of America) on 08/16/2010

Can anyone help me? My 15 year old grandson has just been diagnosed with Wolfe Parkinson's Disease. I had never even heard of it until he told me about it. Anyone who has had any experience with it please let me know what you did/do to alleviate the syptoms and/or cure the disease itself. He wants to play high-school sports, but has been told by a doctor that that might not be a possibility for him. Other than this recent diagnosis, he is as healthy as healthy could be. Any and all information will be appreciated! Thanks and God bless! Tahiti

Replied by Ryan (Morrison, Colorado) on 09/15/2010

I just got diagnosed as well. I'm told they can go in with a very mild surgery and seal off the extra electrical pathway potentially stopping it forever. He needs to see an electrophysiologist.

Replied by Momof3 (New Haven, Connecticut) on 09/15/2010

I was diagnosed with WPW in my early 20's - I had the ablation (done by a cathater that went in through my leg and up to my heart) and haven't had any side effects since - I am active, play sports and gave birth to 3 babies and never had any trouble with arythmia. I would recommend having the procedure done - it's very quick recovery and then you don't have to worry about it any more. Good Luck!

Replied by Tahiti (Monroeville, Pa, United States Of America) on 09/16/2010

To MOMOF3, thank-you so much for your reply! I will make my grandson's parents aware of your post and they, along with him, can make their decision as to what they will do. Your reply is most encouraging! Tahiti

Replied by Tahiti (Monroeville, Pa, United States Of America) on 09/16/2010

Thanks Ryan. I'll let my grandson and family know about your post. Thanks again, for the encouragement! Tahiti

Replied by Stephanie (Charlotte, Nc) on 09/16/2010

I had heart arrythmias throughout my teens but was never diagnosed until 20 years old. I also had an ablation and then had another about a year later. I have not had any problems since. I am now 36.

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