Cracked Heels

Posted By Grace S. (Torrance, CA) on 05/03/2008

Please help me. My heels are so dry and cracked they really look bad. I can't even wear shows with my heals out.
I have soaked them, put plastic bags on them all day, I even used sand paper on them. Still they look bad.

Replied by Beverley (London, United Kingdom) on 05/08/2008

To Grace S. who asked about cracked heels on 3 May 2008:

I sometimes get a very similar problem with dry, cracked heels which appears whenever my iron levels are low. Whenever I start taking my iron tablets again (as prescribed by Doctor), my heels dramatically improve.

My friend, whose heels are normally smooth and soft, recently had exactly the same problem. She is also on iron tablets for an anemic condition, but she had stopped taking them for a couple of months. As soon as she started taking them again, her feet went back to normal.

I know that for some people dry skin (anywhere on the body) can also be improved by increasing the intake of good fats/Omega 3s. However this was not my problem as I already included a good balance of these fats in my diet.

I do not know whether low iron is the cause of your cracked heels Grace, but it may be worth getting your iron levels tested? In case it helps, I also get other symptoms telling me when I am anemic, e.g., my hair starts to fall out and I get irresistable cravings to eat ice. I also get very tired. The only other thing I would urge is please do remember to have your iron levels properly tested and diagnosed by your Doctor first. I have always been given to understand that too much iron can be as dangerous as too little.


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