Could this rash be reaction to cleanses

Posted By Shadel (Nebraska, US) on 07/02/2014

I keep getting this rash on the back of my neck. The past 2 - 3 months I did a parasite cleanse, then a liver detox. Was wondering if this rash could be a reaction to these two cleanses. Thanks for help from anyone. I really appreciate it. Would rather not go to a doctor for this. I have used bloodroot/poke salve with no success. This salve is for hard-to-heal sores, etc.

Replied by Timh (KY) on 07/03/2014

Shadel: Most parasites release pathogens which can be a problem in severe or chronic cases. In today's toxic world all this leads to impaired immunity, allergic reactions (like you are experiencing).

I would recommend other whole body detox methods like Detox Foot Pads (can buy wholesale on Ebay); place a pad under each foot nightly for 50 days. Dr Christopher's herbal detox (Red Clover Combination) will accompany the pads very well by dislodging the buried toxins. Oil Pulling is also very effective toxin removal method. Homeopathic formulas for detox are also very good. Cranberry will help prevent infection in the urinary track & kidneys.

If you have pets and especially indoors/outdoors, you may need to continue your parasite detox, and deworm your pets also. Three days of Fenbendazole at recommended dosage is the best broad spectrum method for pets. Piperazine or Pyrantel Pamoate is best for adult, mature roundworms.


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