Could This Be Omicron?

Posted By GertJr (Madison) on 01/06/2022

Several folks in my office are out with covid, all of them vaccinated. We keep our distance and wash hands, etc. So, today I noticed that my cheeks were very red. During the day I had bouts of diarrhea and now, in the evening, my cheeks are still red but now also hot to the touch. I do not have a fever, no muscle aches/headache/sore throat/cough or any other symptoms. I had a very runny nose last weekend, but it dried up on its own. What do you think? I know this omicron has strange symptoms. I do not intend to get checked unless I think I have strep or pneumonia or something serious, probably just ride it out like I would any other year. But, I also don't want to expose others to potential illness. Also, I recently changed my shower product, so I guess that could be a skin reaction in my cheeks and totally unrelated. I have ibsd, so the diarrhea isn't all that unusual. I've been taking C, D3, zinc and xylitol nasal spray, should I do anything else? Been eating lots of soup and staying hydrated. Thanks
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Replied by Betty (CA) on 01/06/2022

One person I know has omicron now. Symptoms/effects for them are sweating, headache, fever low grade, a little trouble breathing (asthma like), medium severe stuffy head, fatigue.

I would add lime or lemon water and/or green tea. Lots of it.

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Replied by Betty (CA) on 01/07/2022

A family member living In N. AL goes to Dr. Blankenship by Huntsville hospital. The other one is Dr. Lee on Whitesburg Drive. He is famous for stem cell therapy. Dr. Lee will do bloodwork to determine a dx instead of nose swap.

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