Could My Husband's Symptoms (Weight Loss, Pale, Exhausted) be H. Pylori?

Posted By Deedee (Binghamton, Ny) on 01/02/2016


I'm at a loss. My sweet husband is losing weight, exhausted, pale. Can't eat without incredible pain. His bloodwork is perfect, no diarrhea, no vomiting and they say his CT is normal, (although I swear I see an intussuseption. ) We can't contact a Gastro. until Monday and then it could be weeks before they get him in. We spent NYE and New years day in the E.R. Only on the second trip they decided to check for H.Pylori (only after our nurse twisted the MD's arm to do it! ) Can anyone speak to these symptoms?? Any advice?

Thank you!


Replied by Mary (Illinois) on 01/05/2016

Sounds to me it could be depression, (feelings of sadness and hopelessness, uncontrollable grief, paranoia, chronic fatigue, insomnia, or conversely, sleeping frequently, and for long periods of time, poor appetite, weight loss or weight gain, withdrawel from social or family communication, excessive worry, anger or guilt, chronic headaches, backaches, constipation, diminished ability to concentrate, death or suicide, ) try taking a vitamin b complex, vitamin b is good for many problems and not just depression, it helps the immune system in many ways, or eat foods that contain vitamin b .(look up" health benefits of vit b" ) . and I wish you well soon

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