Could my nausea bloating and gas be a liver problem

Posted By Yekara (Jerusalem) on 02/11/2015

Hi, I think I may have some liver issues. tho my lfts are fine. If I take milk thistle, will it affect the dosages of meds that I take. I take 87.5 of trazodane and 250 of gabapentin? I am slowly coming off the meds, but for now need to know if milk thistle affects them or if it is safe to take milk thistle.

The last few days, I've had nauseous headaches. I also have lots of bloating that keeps me awake, and gas galore. What might be the problem? I look pale, too white and also kind of yellowish, Does that mean liver problem and what do folks suggest?

Also I have lots of mercury fillings, some of which are leaking, I am in the process of finding a dentist who can safely remove them. In the mean time is there anything I can take to help detox from mercury. Thanks, Yekara


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