Could bad burning from yeast infection be bv

Posted By Sarahk (Ontario, Canada) on 02/25/2015

I've had a yeast infection for two weeks now following a course of anti biotics for what I thought was BV. turns out it wasn't bv because a swab my doctor did came back negative. I have tried taking fluconazole three times and even got a longer prescription of it from my doctor. I seem to be resistant to any difflucan and Otc meds. I've tried monistat and canestan. They do not work. I have no itching just a strong burning sensation that sometimes hurts so bad I am in tears. Nothing's releives the burning. I have also completely cut out sugar and drink loads of water as well as take a probiotic supplement daily. I was at my wits end today and did not know what to do so I talk to someone at the pharmacy who knows homeopathic products. She told me that because of taking the antibiotics all my good bacteria is gone so I need to re enter it to my body. So I purchased a vaginally inserted probiotic. Ten capsules, one inserted at bedtime over the course of ten days.

My question is why am I feeling such a strong burning sensation? I see everywhere that yeast infections are itchy and I've had several before but never like this. I am also std free as my doctor swabbed for that too. I was getting the chunky white discharge but it seems to be gone after trying different things to get rid of the yeast. Now my discharge is just a sticky slimy white greyish colour, it's stretchy almost. I also have my period so that doesn't help. I just want to know if my yeast could possibly be now turned into a bacterial infection because of the burning. Has anyone else experienced really bad burning from a yeast infection? Or is that more likely to be BV?


Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/26/2015

Dear Sarahk,

I am so sorry you are having this misery and do not have an answer to what you are dealing with.

Personally, if I were you, I would try the following:

Continue with plenty of water and probiotics.

Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric three times a day. Some people mix it in milk. Alternately, you could take 4 turmeric capsules three times each day. Internally. Turmeric is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Take 1 clove of garlic, crushed, in honey, four times a day, internally. Garlic is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral.

Try some extra virgin coconut oil topically, a few times a day or more, if you find it helpful.

The above things have come through for my family so many times, even for things that we did not know for sure what we were dealing with.

I hope you feel much better soon!

~Mama to Many~


Replied by Xixixi (Us) on 03/27/2015

Dear Sarahk, How are you now. I think my problem is as same as your as the pain and swelling gets so bad and I even can not sit. Have you figured out how to treat it? I took Fluconazole for three times in a week, did not really help. The culture came back negative. I have been suffering this pain for seven month. really hope to get any help from others. If you have any new solution, let me know please.

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