Worried About COVID With COPD - Seeking Remedy Suggestions

Posted By Kim (Birmingham) on 01/31/2020

I suffer from COPD from years of smoking but have got myself well over the last 10 years using various protocols. I am worried about contracting the most recent Corona Virus 2019. What should I do to avoid this?

Replied by Anon (US) on 02/11/2020

Consider echinacea, goldenseal, iodine, colloidal silver, high dose vitamin C and D, and a low carb mostly raw plant based diet.

Replied by Anne (Charlotte, NC) on 03/05/2020

Salt therapy is helpful for COPD and a recent article came out about putting salt in breathing masks as it might kill the coronavirus. You can buy a dry salt aerosol therapy machine that is small and portable and produces minute amounts of salt that won't get everywhere. The particles are small and can hang in the air for hours... Hope this helps.

Replied by Mike P. (USA) on 03/16/2020

These things may be of help,

Keep in mind, that a cocktail approach will almost always yield better results than 1 alone.Combine several of the below. 1) n-acetyl cysteine at 600mg 2x daily. Effective against many types of lung problems. Also, COVID attacks the cilia which sweep the mucus(containing the active virus) out of the lungs.

Without the cilia being active the mucus brings in an immune attack which also the aftermath leaves the lungs looking like hit by a shotgun. NAC thins the mucous and helps it get coughed up easier. 2) l-lysine taken on an EMPTY STOMACH. If you get up to take a pee at nite then this is a good time to take some. Some viruses need arginine to make the lipid coating which Covid-19 has. Starving arginine and supplementing L-lysine and this messes with the ability of the virus to make its shell for cell entry. 3) BHT about a gram per day taken at bed time to avoid the liver taking almost all of it out of circulation.

The liver is surmised to be more "dormant" at bed time. Do not take with fats. 4) monolaurin- check selfhacked about this. About 3-9 grams per day. 5) immune boosters like vitamin c, vitamin e, beta-glucan, zinc.


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