Confusted missed period not pregnant

Posted By Theresa (New Jersey, US) on 04/27/2014

Hi there. I am 16 days late on my period but there's no way I could be pregnant. I haven't been sexually active for months (at least 5 months) and up until now I have been regular with my cycle (including the past 5 months). I recently split up with my boyfriend and am looking for a new place to live all while starting a new position at work. I believe my missed period is due to stress. I have had regular PMS symptoms including acne breakouts & breast tenderness which I always experience when I'm about to get my period. Could there be anything medically wrong inside my body which would prevent me from getting my period while still experiencing PMS symptoms? In terms of my health, generally my diet has been the same, I try and keep up with my workouts but they haven't been as frequent as previous months, I may be drinking less water than usual, and I have been taking my birth control regularly. Any opinions? Like I said, my main theory is stress. Thanks for the time!

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 04/27/2014

Dear Theresa,

Well, I don't have a lot of information for you, but in answer to your question regarding stress and cycles, yes, stress can have quite an effect on them. I went through a stressful time when I was 18 and had a bleeding for 3 weeks (took pregesterone to get it to stop) and a week later had 12 days of bleeding. Then I skipped a period. Things did level out after that.

You could try a Tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses each day and/or 1 Tablespoon of Vinegar in a tall glass of water once or twice a day. Each of these things is helpful normalizing so many conditions, it might be worth a try.

You might be able to call your OB office and talk with a nurse and see if this is a possible side effect of the birth control you are on.

Let us know how things work out!

~Mama to Many~


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