Confused by discussion of chemical sensitivity

Posted By Harmonious1 (Alamogordo, New Mexico) on 09/29/2009

Hi Ted

I was confused by your discussion of PHOTOsensitivity, since I came to this page searching for info on CHEMICAL sensitivity. This is where perfumes and strong chemical smells can make you very ill. I have no problem with going out into the sun.

I do however have to stay at home a lot because the people and places in the world are all full of FRAGRANCE. Perfume, cologne, aftershave lotion, hair spray and gel, cosmetics, bath products, shampoo, deodorant, laundry products, room and carpet freshener, scented candles, cleaning chemicals, dry cleaning odors, paint, new carpeting and upholstery, the glue used to put down tiles and carpeting, and on and on and on, ad nauseum, all gang up on me and make me feel I'm going to die.

Do you have any ideas about that kind of sensitivity?

EC: Ted does discuss remedies for chemical sensitivity in his post:

Replied by Harmonious1 (Alamogordo, New Mexico) on 10/01/2009

Thanks for putting up my comment, but now I am more confused. The chemical sensitivity I am talking about is also known as "MCS" Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, or "EI" Environmental Illness.

There are not usually any skin problems. Brain fog, confusion, disorientation (getting lost on the way home) fatigue, depression, lethargy, headache, joint pain, emotional upset, hysteria, sight problems, digestive upset, bloating, swelling, dizzyness, hair falling out, itchy eyes, sinus pain, and more. You just want to lie down wherever you happen to be, even on the floor, curl up into a fetal position and die. Your life becomes very isolated and lonely.

But I have never talked to anyone with MCS who has skin problems from chemical exposure. Maybe that is an oversight on my part, but I don't think so. I think Ted is talking about a different problem here, and maybe that is what it is called in Thailand.

Anybody else out there experiencing chemical sensitivities like I detailed?

Ted, could you comment?


Replied by Nearing (Abq, Nm, Usa) on 01/10/2010

I agree with Harmonious1 from Alamogordo. Photosensitivity may be one symptoms of a chemical sensitivity but MCS is usually a more all-encompassing disorder with all of the symptoms he/she described after inhaling perfume or diesel exhaust or cleaning with bleach, etc.

So, are there any natural remedies for MCS and/or for man-made chemical detoxification?

Replied by Emerald (Dorset, U.k.) on 08/22/2010

Hello to the person with chemical sensitivities, I also suffer from these chronically, paint, perfumes, cleaning products etc. If I inhale these (they seem to replace oxygen via my lungs) I go extrememly weak and my legs are like lead. I can do nothing, sometimes I fall into a deep sleep and can do nothing for a few hours. I have never found the cause, nor how to treat it. I have tried every rememdy known. To no avail. But No-one seems to realise how ill this makes us. Usually others don't see it, or only for a few mins. I don't go out much as everyone is wearing deadly chemicals on their bodies!!! I could go out but may be taken ill, or my heart will start racing. I am also allergic to any grains, which makes life difficult. Just a message to the person who wanted to know if there was anyone else like them. Yes, me. Good luck.

Replied by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 08/24/2010


Some good work has been done by several USA MDs who deal with other chemical systemic poisons such as the neurotoxins released by moulds and dinoflagellates, and industrial chemicals for example. They use a prescription product called cholestyramine in some cases to bind and pull out these circulating toxins in the gut when they are dumped in with the bile during digestion. But the MCS person must be removed from further exposure to the offending chemicals, of which there are tens of thousands! Also, I recall him saying likely in one of his books that many times after a long exposure to noxious chemicals, the cholestyramine might still be pulling out the toxins but the patient does not get better. The pioneer in this field is Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, who has several websites. I don't see 'MCS' specifically in the sidebar, but I know he treats it:

There is a 'Email us' link at the bottom left. The idea is to get his protocol and wave it under your doctor's nose in the hope he/she will go with it!

Dr. Titelbaum site:

Biomarkers (blood numbers, etc. ) for MCS:

Replied by Amazinggrace (Yucca Valley, Ca) on 02/05/2011

Ted did cover a similar problem that didn't involve the skin at this link:

Replied by Debra (Brisbane , Australia) on 03/28/2011

For mcs - Dear Ted, bar the methylene blue I have tried all these remedies for a year with very little improvement. I dont go into a painful coma under a gum tree anymore, just a headache but still the coma situation exists with all chemicals, fragrances, carpets, wall paints etc. I can read some peoples frustrations here with people not understanding. Meeting more and more people becoming like this. My phase 1 is too high, phase 2 is too low except for the sulphur (been drinking the dmso - is probably why). Many of our lives consist of curled up in the fetal position screaming in pain.

Replied by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio) on 05/18/2011

LIVER FLUSHING... The problem is a bad liver and kidneys. Do liver and kidney cleansing, starting with the kidney cleanse, and the liver cleanse, and do these once a month. However, when you do them you want to drink FRESH DARK GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLE JUICE BEFORE AND AFTER. You also want to supplement more minerals like calcium, and magnesium. Calcium and magnesium will help with alkalinity and will help increase the minerals in the body. Kelp and unsulphured blackstrap molasses also help to increase minerals in the body.

The liver and kidneys are not detoxifying well, that is the reason for the MCS. Whey isolate protein powder helps to increase glutathione levels, and we have to increase our glutathione levels in order to help the liver and kidneys detoxify themselves.

Doing these flushes and supplementing minerals and using the protein powders to help with increasing minerals, as well as glutathione levels has greatly helped with MCS.

I also eat a more alkaline diet, higher in vegetables and fruits, and organic proteins.

Another thing that has helped is sinus cleaning, via a Neti Pot and a solution of 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt, and 1 teaspoon of epson salts, and 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, 3%, in about 2 cups of warm water. I irrigate my sinuses not regularly, but I had to do it twice a day for a while because NOTHING was flowing out but mucous... I also rinse my mouth out afterwards, making sure that I hold my head down on the floor so the peroxide can get up in the roof of my mouse and back of my throat, I then hold my head the opposite way over the bed, this makes sure the peroxide gets in there and kills the bacteria. Initially, this was very strong but I kept at it, nothing would come out of the other nostril, now it flows out. My sinuses are much better, and MCS, improved even more.

Cleaning up the air in your home is also very important, get a ozone air purifier and filter the air well. You make take more than once unit, I purchased mine on ebay, not affiliated, but I have three now, one in the basement, and one on the 1st floor, and one on the second floor.

Other things that help purify the air are oil nebulizer/diffusers... I use thieves oil, peppermint, and eucalphytus in my diffusers in each room, as well as other scents. But those three will help purify the air and get rid of mold and viruses and other bacteria...

You also need to check for mold and get rid of the damp areas and the mold. Mold can be cleaned up with hydrogen peroxide, thieves oil, and grapefruit seed oil...

It's a process, but in a year I have seen great improvement, and better improvement after flushing my sinuses and filtering the air...


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Replied by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 10/14/2012

People using neti pots and Ayr saline bottles need to boil the water and let it cool down a bit. The reason is the brain eating amoeba that is getting into the water supply (moreso in the south, although someone in Minnesota recently got it from a pool). I think it's called Naegleria fowleri, or some such name.

Replied by Sharon (Washington) on 05/15/2017

For those of u that r super sensitive, I don't suggest diffusing these oils where u live. Put some on a cotten ball. Or q tip. Keep it close to u for about 5-10 mins to see if u have a reaction. Or try the diffuser in just ur bathroom, rather than ur whole living space. That way should u react u don't have to leave ur house, with no where to go. A lot - in fact most of us don't have another safe place to go to when our homes get contaminated.

So keep that in mind anytime ur bringing something new into your safe place.

For me, even bringing new clothes into my house after shopping can be scary.

U may not notice it has perfume or scented lotion on them while shopping. Left from the last person trying it on...... You get home, without thinking u lay the clothing on the couch or your bed and have now contaminated them.

Life with MCS is like playing with dominos. Everything reacts to everything else.

So u put contaminated clothing on ur bed, hours later u hang them up, then u get in bed, u start having a mild reaction, but can't figures it out. Or u sit where the contaminated clothing was. Later U start having reaction. MCS is a constant game of back tracking AND thinking ahead. It makes it very hard to just live in the present moment and be calm.

Its exhausting. So be aware.

I never get to wear nice clothing anymore. I can't shop in dept stores cuz of all the perfume. Now EVERYONE shops and those stores that sell nothing but scented lotions.

Chances are the clothing has been tried on already by someone wearing Carmel body lotion, or mocha, or pear and cucumber lotion. Lol.

I just order denim leggings on line. I try them on in a store, then order them on line. New and unworn. Same with t shirts.

I hadn't been able to find a washing machine I can use that doesn't have soap residue that ruins my clothing.

So I have to be extra careful.

Slowly but surely the word about MCS is getting out there. We r beginning to be heard.


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