Would Citric Acid Work As Well As ACV for Cherry Nevus Removal?

Posted By Mark (Stl, Mo) on 09/22/2016

Being poor as well as having a cherry nevus mole that I constantly accidentally scratch and irritate, I would like to know if crushed vitamin-C tabs (citric acid) would work as well as Apple Cider Vinegar? Already have the citric acid and would have no other use for ACV for the few teaspoons I would use. It's the acidity that we're all after anyways isn't it? Obviously if I had a dime to my name, I would pay some overpriced quasi-physician so she could then pay for their overpriced magic wand, er, highly specialized medical device to burn slash freeze slash electrocute the thing off. I digress, is citric acid the same as ACV??

Replied by Joese (Australia) on 09/22/2016

Hi. Here is what I have experienced with some moles I had on my tummy. I was spreading some 'black salve' twice a day, on the area for other reasons than to get rid of some harmless moles which happened to be there. To my surprise, the moles started to go black and drop off.

I have since been told that Black Salve is not very nice stuff. However, for what it is worth, it worked for this so if you are interested in perhaps trying it, give it a go for a while. - do not continue using it beyond the stage where the moles drop off. It can be very corrosive and could cause damage if continued.


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