Chronic Sinusitis and Nasal Polyps - Multiple Remedies Not Helping!

Posted By Dayna (ON) on 07/10/2021

Someone please help and give me hope!!!

I have had chronic sinusitis for nine years. I'm not sure how long I have had polyps... I think I could have had them five years already, without knowing it.

For four weeks now, I have been doing ACV, tea tree oil, frankincense oil, peppermint oil, hydrogen peroxide, silver... Stuffing soaked tissues in a night to pack my nose, using a nasal spray bottle with the solution in it, using Qtips to swab the polyps... I drink a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar every morning, diluted in a tall glass of water.

The front polyps keep swelling, turning white, then receding back into the nose, back and forth. I have had a couple very small pieces come out, but that's it. I wake every morning, totally, 100% blocked in both nostrils. I sleep with soaked tissues up my nose. I'm miserable with migraines a lot. I need to know if I'm on the right track. I don't want surgery, but if it's not going to improve, I don't know what else to do.

Replied by Rob (Kentucky) on 07/10/2021

Hello Dayna – I’ve struggled with nasal polyps over the past few years. In understanding nasal polyps, you must understand the cause.

Chronic rhinosinusitis is the main clinical condition most frequently diagnosed in sinonasal inflammation. Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps makes the inflammation severe resulting in a pathetic situation of life. But, in another way, it helps to diagnose the disease easily and treat eventually. On the other hand, allergies are the main factor involved in eliciting the disease.

Polyps develop because the mucous membranes lining the nose or sinuses change. The membranes become inflamed for a long time or become inflamed over and over again. The inflammation features swelling, redness and fluid buildup. Researchers believe that allergies and infections cause the inflammation.

Researchers at Mayo Clinic have made the connection with at least one disease. They discovered that sinusitis, an inflammatory disease, is caused by yeast 96% of the time.

People with this fungal infection characteristically develop polyps, or growths of tissue, within the nasal passageways, reports The Merck Manuals Online Medical Library 2. Nasal polyps typically form in one nostril and may cause chronic inflammation and nasal congestion. Affected people may experience frequently stuffy or runny nasal passageways and can have difficulty breathing through the nose due to the presence of nasal polyps., -nose, -and-throat-disorders/nose-and-sinus-disorders/sinusitis

Here is what has worked for me.

Ponaris Nasal Emollient

Ponaris relieves stuffy, congested nose, post-nasal drip, and nasal dryness. Ponaris is a blended compound of botanical oils, first introduced since 1931. It was once standard in NASA’s medical space kit. It was included in the agency’s medical space kit on every Apollo mission.

Active Ingredients
Ponaris is a specially prepared iodized botanical oil blend that contains oils of pine, eucalyptus, peppermint, cajeput (tea tree oil) in a cottonseed oil base. Total Iodine 0.4% - 0.6% by weight. Assimilable hence non-lipoid potential.


With head tilted back, place 1 or 2 drops in each nostril, gently squeeze nose to spread oils evenly around inside nostril, then deeply inhale to suck oils deep into sinus cavities. Do this 3x a day. You will taste the oils in the back of your throat. But, don’t worry. The oils need to set inside your sinus cavities to work.

I am a master herbalist so I made my own version of this. I replace the cottonseed oil with MCT coconut oil.

You can read here on EC about people's success using tea tree oil for polyps.


I made a homemade nasal sprayer using colloidal silver 10ppm with lugols iodine 2% used several times a day.

It’s taken me 6 months to improve my sinus problems. Not fully there but life is a whole lot better.

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Replied by Julie (Hollywood, FL) on 07/11/2021

Have the surgery. You won't be disappointed. Thereafter, to allay future sinus issues, follow the holistic suggestions posted. Happy breathing!!

Replied by Valerie (Illinois ) on 07/11/2021

Hi there. I suffer from sinus polyps. They are deep in my sinuses. They used to cause me great discomfort which I am sure you are familiar with. I tried everything you did. I tried a strict vegan diet. I did everything in this page and more.

My answer to this problem was eating a strict carnivore diet. I figured out salicylates were causing my issues. Research this further. You will be shocked. I eat basically beef and lamb only and drink water. I cook my food in beef tallow. I have found much relief. I do not drink alcohol Anymore, ever. As the other person stated, yeast is a huge problem. I know eating two things is difficult and so is just drinking water. But I can smell again, I don’t just sneeze and drain constantly anymore. I am not fully healed yet, but I have found so so so much relief. Good luck, polyps are a horrible situation to be in.

Replied by Alan (Mexico) on 07/10/2021

1) 5000 iu vit A every other day for one week and rest another week for four weeks .(this to recover your internal mucouses of your nose.

2) one tsp l- glutamine (gnc) in a glass of water before breakfast also to recover your internal mucouses.

3 purple cabbage with banana and water shake (one glass of water with about 200 gms of the cabbage plus one banana) for the same purpose.

4) stop all things you are putting inside your nostrils,

5) add a 1/16 of hymalayan salt to distilled water (1 glass) every morning and aspire it through a netipot…

6) start coffee enemas (see youtube)

7 )3 grms of vit C in the morning and 3 in the afternoon (till problems stop)…

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Replied by Mama to Many (TN) on 07/11/2021

Dear Dayna,

You have tried so many things! Perhaps you could take a different approach - go after them with internal methods.

  • Turmeric - 2-4 capsules 2-3 times a day with a glass of water each time.
  • 1,000 mg vitamin C three times a day, unless it disturbs your gut.
  • 1 - 2 teaspoons of extra virgin coconut oil 3 times a day.

Each of these remedies are anti-inflammatory.

Also, try for one month to cut out sugar and processed foods and any alcohol. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains. Avoid dairy products except for cultured products like yogurt and kefir.

My husband used to snore terribly. He started taking a tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil daily over a year ago and it has dramatically reduced his snoring. I used to have to go sleep in another room and haven't done that in a year. My theory is that he has less inflammation in his throat now. What we take internally can have profound effects on these types of things.

Also, read Cindy's posts about rebounding! I wouldn't be surprised if that would help you, too!

I hope you will find relief soon!

~Mama to Many~

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Replied by Sharon (Missouri) on 07/11/2021

yes your DIET may be the problem. Get a NASAL WASH (walgreens $10 for the kit) use 2x a day. and use eucalyptus, diluted, I use 1 oz of eucalyptus to 3 oz. of olive oil (healing) and rub on to your nose and sinus. I also put it on a q tip inside the nose . and take the vitamins others have mentioned. Once you change your diet, to clean food the polyps will go flat .the wash will kill fungus and bacteria growing in there. Also, you might want to make sure you are getting trace minerals, like iodine, very important. you may have low thyroid .the thyroid controls every cell in the body. the sinus wash is neilmed brand and they are online, at neilmed dot com you can read about how important your sinuses are and how to take care of them. .
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Replied by Ivy (TX) on 07/11/2021

I've been taking serrapeptase for clearing excess fibrin in the arteries. It's also supposed to help dissolve nasal polyps and uterine fibroids too.
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Replied by Stephanie (San Diego) on 07/12/2021

I agree with the serrapeptase. I dissolved my uterine fibroids with this method. I was taking 250k spu nightly. There are some real good suggestions here for you and I agree diet plays a big part too. Wishing you well

Replied by John (Israel) on 07/11/2021

I got rid of nose polyps by swabbing my nose with 2% Lugol's iodine solution. Put in a sprayer, you can clear out your sinus cavities. Nothing works better. John
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Replied by L (hi) on 07/11/2021

Many things have helped me over the years, but the only CURE (I have had it for 40 plus years) was MMS (chlorine dioxide) a bit tricky to learn how to take it, but within 2 months, using ONLY Chlorine dioxide and nothing else I was finally cured...I took it orally and put a diluted drop in the nose a few times a day, that was all. One day my nose started to run watery discharge, sneezing, irritated throat, last a day or 2 then 99% better, I kept taking the oral dose and now 100% better. Information on using it is online, so you gotta read all the details to use it properly.
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Replied by Dano (Idaho) on 07/11/2021

Hello Dayna;

Perhaps you should schedule an MRI with your doctor. You may have an obstruction or foreign body deep in your sinuses. There have been people that had similar issues to what you have, all due to an obstruction they were unaware they had. Once that was removed, their problems were over. I've used a salt water rinse using distilled or cooled boiled water with a 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of sea salt and a little baking soda, perhaps 1/8 teaspoon, to a cup of water and used a neti pot to pour it in the nasal passages. It sounds like you have tried that and many other things already, which is why I suggest an MRI. Best of luck to you.

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Replied by Kendra (Maui) on 07/11/2021

Aloha Dayna,?

I’m writing about helping relieve the migraine pain. A year ago, I learned from a friend to use essential oils. One day I had a severe migraine, right away I grabbed peppermint oil put on the bottoms of my feet and under the big toes. I then also put the peppermint oil at the base of my cranium and the sides of my neck. Sometimes lightly near the temples… but run the risk of getting in the eyes. Next, the most important oil is frankincense. You put the frankincense on the tip of your thumb and put it in your mouth onto the upper palate. It’s good to be lying down and resting. I would suggest leaving your thumb there for at least 10 minutes.

Closing your eyes and feeling the peppermint pulsing. I have even fallen asleep doing this and waking up in disbelief when the migraine was gone.

Take care,


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Replied by Elohwyn (Oregon) on 07/11/2021

Believe it or not the only thing that has come close to helping mine is adding Borax to colloidal silver sinus spray. I add it to the typical sinus flush and equal amounts of sea salt and baking soda. And make my own.

It has stopped the incessant post nasal drip, smelling the stagnation and clears my passageways. I spray my sinuses about 20 times each side and lay on my back until the congestion clears at least once a week before bed. Been doing it over a year now and haven’t had one single sinus infection or lung infection since. Game changer for me, maybe it will help you. Borax is pure Boron Salt. They use it to treat pink eye so I went for it and it’s saved me so much. I used to feel I was drowning in sinus drainage.

Good luck!

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Replied by Diane (California) on 07/11/2021

Dana, if nothing works it could be Cold affecting your head!

Try wearing a warm cap on your head and don't allow your head to get cold! Also you can get a blow dryer and use warm air on your head and see if that gives you relief! I didn't have this problem when I was young, it happened when I hit my late 50's! I am back to normal knowing this cold can affect my sinuses! And once in awhile even the air-conditioner start my sinuses up again only I place a warm cap on my head and the sinus problem stops!

DON'T LET YOUR HEAD GET COLD! See if this helps!


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Replied by Lauren (So cal) on 07/11/2021

I have suffered with sinusitis too and miracle.....that has helped me is baby shampoo 1/8 teaspoon in the 8 oz purified or distilled water as a nasal irrigation. It burns. So I added the saline solution that came in the nasal irrigation treatment. Much less burn. From what I read the baby shampoo breaks thru the biofilm.
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Replied by Debra (Sydney, Australia) on 07/11/2021

Have you tried intranasal red light therapy? My partner has polyps and rhinitis and I bought him this little machine and he's had no flare ups now for a year. We both use it nightly.

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Replied by Lakshmi Prabhakar Koppolu (Denver) on 07/11/2021

1) zero salt in your foods until sinus cured

2) daily 30 minutes to 1 hour pranayama after warmup completed


take honey, dip your little finger, keep it in nose? on the side blocked, continuous sneezing will happen, all blockages will go off

4) two times hot steam with turmeric.

5) no more freezer food, coffee, sweets . Just take hot soups.

Within 1 month you will see progress, fully cured.

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Replied by Paul (Durban, South Africa ) on 07/12/2021

I had very similar to you - 2 X Polypectomy's and they kept coming back. I had also bad asthma since around 1985 and could not go anywhere without my salbutamol pump. I drank flavored waters and diet coke or coke zero. In 2008 for 10 days I was on holiday on board a vessel with no diet coke. after the 3rd day I said to my wife I haven't used my pump and my sinuses were clear. It was the ASPARTAME. It is lethal. When I visited my ENT for a diving issue, no polyps. I stopped flavored waters and any food that is contaminated with Aspartame. Here is a well researched truth ...
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Replied by bill (Ireland) on 07/12/2021

Hi Dayna,

I can highly recommend the Buteyko breathing method to help you with these issues - from my experience of similar issues for most of my life, I learnt that my mouth breathing was upsetting the balance of oxygen & carbon dioxide in my body, causing my airways to narrow & ultimately rendering my nose useless. The polyps, I understand are a results of the nose not getting used - like an old path, it gets overgrown.. It takes a bit of work to practice using your nose again but there's a whole method there to help you, with exercises, etc.. If you'd like any more info. on it feel free to reach out - I actually took a Buteyko instructor training course last year to heal my issues & learn more about it.

Wishing you all the best _/_


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Replied by Gina (NY) on 07/12/2021

Sodium Chlorite/MMS: use internally & also use the nose spray protocol. Stop or reduce your dairy intake. Below is a link w/ more information.

CDS/Sodium Chlorite: protocols are on this website as well.

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Replied by Linda (TX) on 07/12/2021

After all the remedies you have tried, it is time to consider your diet. Try abstaining from all grains (white flour and all grains) plus leaving out all dairy for a couple of weeks to see if you have improved. Hope this helps!

Replied by Ross Allan (Napier, New Zealand) on 07/12/2021

I just posted the following to another persons problem here. Inflamed Trachea for 18 years.

It is quite possible your sinuses are infected with a tough bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori. It infected my lungs for years.

The posting -

In my opinion the Trachea issue and Stomach Acid Issue above will be a Helicobacter Pylori infection. Helicobacter Pylori is a very slow growing tough dual skinned bacteria which secretes ammonia and with a tail. The right Manuka Honey will kill this.

Look up Dr Barry Marshall who got a Nobel Laureate for his work with Helicobacter Pylori. He infected himself at one stage. H. Pylori was discovered when some stomach Acid samples were left in Petri Dishes over Easter - the bacteria did not show overnight.

Lookup 'Barry Marshall Helicobacter Pylori' on Google.

Helicobacter and Matula Tea This has a good webpage and an alternative to Manuka Honey. Good Stats etc.

A New Zealand solution to H. Pylori is Manuka Honey. Dr Marshall is not so keen, but he is an Australian.

But you need to buy Manuka Honey with a MGO rating (Methyglyoxal) rating of at least 80. The MGO rating is calculated when building the batch. Manuka Honey is made in hives put into the bush by helicopters amongst Manuka scrub.

If you get Acid Reflux, this is an indicator that you will be infected with H. Pylori.

Put a teaspoon of the Manuka Honey in your mouth under your tongue each day for 7 days. It will mix with the mucous in your mouth and spread. I would not take Manuka Honey long term after reading Metabolical by Dr Robert Lustig. Methyglyoxal is a result of Fructose processing in the body - he talks about the Maillard Reaction.

But Helicobacter Pylori is a tough bacteria. It can survive in Hydrochloric acid in the stomach and because it exists on the 'skin' (whether in your mouth, throat, lungs, esophagus, stomach etc.), antibiotics have trouble getting to it. It has trouble surviving in the intestines because other bacteria eat it.

Personally, when fixing stomach ulcers (caused by H. Pylori) with the Manuka Honey, I found it also cleared infections in my lungs causing Sleep Apnea and my Hay Fever faded away the next spring. My Sleep Apnea had been causing me to stop/start breathing 400 - 600 times per night. My wife and daughter were delighted!

Best Regards

Ross Allan, Napier, NZ

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Replied by Dee (Florida) on 07/14/2021

Try an elimination diet like go without yeast and gluten foods for 2 weeks, then go without dairy for 2 weeks. keep a diary how you feel. Try the ancient yoga remedy close one nostril and sniff up a good salt water, then do the other nostril. I like Himalayan salt. I do not have a Net Pot, so I use salt water on a teaspoon.

Also try a Homeopathic pellets or cell salts. Here is a good Homeopathic site to learn about remedies and condition.

Have you tried Homeopathy Remedies. Here is a homeopathic Web Site:


Replied by Ken (Wisconsin) on 07/24/2022

I'm sure some of the suggestions given will give you positive results. Only you can tell after some experimentation. I've had enlarged nasal polyps for 60 years. More extreme problems in summer when the ragweed and pollen season is bad. Most people who have done surgery regret it. I have cleaned up my diet and fasted for short period of times and that will work to reduce/eliminate polyps. The other thing I am currently trying is high dose melatonin. This is supposed to be great for inflammation and many other things. I have tried many diets, supplements, herbs, etc to reduce inflammation and resolve allergies over the years, but 60 mg per night at bedtime of melatonin looks like it is opening my sinuses up like I haven't seen in years. I may need even more to have a complete recovery, just need to experiment more. Good luck.
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