Chronic Pain and Burning from Over-Exfoliated Skin, Please Help!

Posted By Yola4 (Leh, New Jersey ) on 06/09/2018

Hi Ted and everyone at EC,

* Warning long wall of text coming to get the short summary just scroll to the very bottom*

I'm praying someone can help me on here because all of my efforts in fixing this have failed thus far. And I can't find anything about this on this site, but I'm a big believer that the body wants to heal. I've spent the last year bedridden (I just turned 35) and in horrible, burning pain. If you search the Internet you will find that I'm not alone except it seems I'm dealing with much more debilitating pain than others. I've spoken with countless people suffering and going from doctor to doctor and not only getting several different diagnoses but also not getting any better or healing. Idk why there is so little information regarding this "condition" online. Let me tell you what it is I'm referring to. And please take this seriously as many have taken their lives due to this "problem", but the medical community refuses to give it the validity it deserves.

Okay, so about a year and a half ago I started anti-aging skin treatments involving Retin A and facial exercises. Apparently, the constant harsh daily rubbing of the facial exercises equaled severe exfoliation (I didn't know this at the time) and in conjunction with the Retin A wreaked havoc on my skin. At first, my skin looked fine as I was only doing this for preventive measures, but it seemed almost overnight I started developing cracks and weird dents on my forehead...imagine holding a book edge against your face and then taking it off but the indentations remain. So I googled skin texture remedies and of course they almost all recommended exfoliation. Now, this is when things got painful and by painful I mean several crying visits to the ER...

Apparently, these so-called healing treatments were further exfoliating my already thinned, damaged skin. I woke up one morning to swollen, raw, burning, inflamed skin with huge pores that look like holes, lines connecting these pores, a weird shiny orange peel texture, and dehydrated crinkly skin. I panicked and most likely the stress of this caused my immune system to crash if it hadn't already...Prior to this my skin was smooth with just a couple fine lines. Thus began the doctor visits and skin care specialist fiasco. The severe burning was so awful (and still is) that I was unable to do anything besides lay in bed with ice packs on my face and under my head and on my neck. I cried for months and just lost all hope.

Looking online only lead to more confusion and anxiety. I found so many people dealing with skin damage from laser treatments, skin micro needling treatments, Retinoids, chemical peels and over exfoliation. Some heal but the majority are depressed and still searching for answers. My case is somewhat different in that while most end up with damage it seems about only 10% or so end up in a constant inflammatory state.

This might sound like an issue of vanity but I assure you it's not. Of course I, like most women, want my smooth functioning skin back that goes without say. But the ongoing pain is unbearable. Imagine not being able to walk to the bathroom without an ice pack on your face? Can you imagine not being able to take a hot shower or swim in a pool or even go outside in the sun? The pain was so severe that I couldn't function let alone go to work. And I worked for several months with severe RA flares. But not now no way I couldn't even stand near a stove or make a meal. Now I've dealt with severe RA, Lymes, costochrondritis, and hypothyroidism but not even the most severe RA flare (believe me mine were so severe I was wheelchair bound for a year before I cut out gluten) could compare to the burning pain I was in. And it's still ongoing to this day. As I write this I have an ice pack mask on my face.

You must be wondering by now what the doctors all said and did? The doctors just did not understand that I had over exfoliated my skin to the point that it could no longer protect itself from any external factors. It has lost its immunity and ability to regenerate. They instead thought it was eczema (saying things like "Use this steroid and voila in 3 days you'll be all better"), rosacea, dermatitis, photosensitivity, ect. None of these treatments worked and many including the two topical steroids thinned the skin even more and made it worse. The ER just continually prescribed prednisone and sent me home with ice packs. One of the aestheticians that I went to said that my skin was not functioning and looked as if it had lost its elasticity and moisture. She called the holes covering my face ice pick scars. If you have ever had or seen acne scars which I'm sure you have imagine your entire face covered in these holes. While being a plasticy, red burnt color and let's not forget....burning. Not a pretty picture. A corneotherapy expert told me that I took too many layers of my stratum corneum and that it was basically irreparable. She said I would most likely forever be in a viscious cycle of swelling, pain, textural damage and inflammation. I refuse to believe this. It was always reacting and inflamed and although it has calmed somewhat over the past year I still can barely function.

I'm at my wit's end and don't know what else to do. As far as treatments I've tried so many healing oils including castor oil, emu oil, prickly pear oil, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, etc. I've tried turmeric (psoria gold), msm, barrier repair creams, oxygen facials, etc. etc, etc. It's embarrassing to admit but I've spent about twelve thousand dollars on topicals and treatments and supplements over the past year. I've tried an anti-inflammatory diet, juicing, supplementation, meditation, law of attraction, etc. There are several theories out there. One being that I was already too acidic to begin with and using the Retin A was like put acid on acid thus causing the burn. Becoming alkaline again would start the healing process. Another one being that I took too many layers off and my skin lost its immunity and needs help regenerating. Also, there are other factors at play here including my out of whack hormones and impaired immune system.

Like I mentioned previously, my RA has been under control since stopping gluten. My thyroid numbers are on the high side of normal but I'm still experiencing all of the symptoms including major hair loss, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, constipation, etc. And to add, all of my health problems started with a round of doxycycline which caused leaky gut and really messed me up.

In conclusion, I'm feeling hopeless. I'm running out of money and barely surviving. There just has to be a natural way to turn this around. I'm going to try borage oil internally and externally. I will also add iodine supplementation for health purposes. I started drinking ACV and baking soda and taking borax two days ago. I also drink green juice and eat a Whole Foods mainly plant-based diet with fish or organic chicken once in a blue moon. I take red maca powder and other supplements like plant protein powder and vit c powder in my smoothies. I'm trying to kill off any Candida in my system, become alkaline and restore my immunity. If anyone has any ideas as to what to try or do I'd greatly appreciate it. And please if anyone out there has dealt with this issue before and found a way to resolve it please reach out to me.

*summary for those who don't want to read my ramblings: A year ago I over exfoliated my skin resulting in painful, burning, damaged red shiny skin and am still dealing with painful burning inflammatory and textural damage. I'm looking for natural ways to heal.*

Thanks so much in advance

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Replied by Magnolia 16 (Eastern Shore, Va) on 06/10/2018

I would recommend trying pure Shea butter. I get mine from a company located in northern Virginia which gets it direct from women's co-ops in Africa - can order from Amazon too. It has been used successfully to treat severe skin disorders caused by radiation treatments for cancer. I hope this helps as your case sounds quite miserable.
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Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/09/2018

I have had fiery skin and nerves going insane. First deal with the stress you are feeling. Get calm and try to keep cortisol from being created. The body has to use a lot of resources to run from the bear. Try to listen to calming music and say encouraging things to yourself about your body healing itself and improving every day. B vitamins, E, C, D, K-2, A, and some healthy coconut oil or olive oil in the diet to help digest the fat soluble vitamins to aid the liver in bile production. Then some kefir, 2 TBSP to start to get the gut enzymes heading in the right direction. Horsetail, gelatin, MSM for skin tissue renewal. Alpha lipoic acid for nerves.

Killing candida while trying to recover may put you in more pain, use some molybdenum. Borage supposedly is boron. Borax heals hormone, skin, kills bacteria and fungi and puts calcium back into the bones and teeth. Magnesium is for muscle and can be calming.

If your procedures made your organs toxic try some activated charcoal tabs-2- 3 with 16 oz water at bedtime ...can interfere with meds or vitamins within 2 hours .

Here are some skin tips from Ted:

I had a much younger case of a woman who was 26 years of age having the same skin thinning problems. The woman has since been cured. The remedy that was used was vitamin D2 20,000 I.u. taken for about a month, along with 500 mg of magnesium citrate, vitamin C sodium ascorbate 500 mg, vitamin B5 panthothenic acid, and B8. Sodium silicate solution given in drops or just horsetail may help increase the silicon levels to enable thickness. The alkalization gives skin greater hydration, and that's 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of potassium citrate taken twice a day in 1/2 glass of water. Most of the effects of skin improvement will be noticed from vitamin C and vitamin D2. The other further improves on skin appearance and hydration. Please note that vitamin D2 20,000 I.u. is relatively hard to obtain in some countries, but are relatively easy in other countries. Ted

Castor oil will calm that skin down but I would thin it down to keep it from irritating those nerve endings.

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Replied by Charity (Fatithville, Us) on 10/17/2018

I have been studying a new topic for one of my dramas and you might find some help with this information on comfrey

Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 10/17/2018

Thanks for the article on comfrey Charity and for all of your thoughtful comments. I greatly appreciate them. I haven't tried comfrey but I have tried its main ingredient allantoin. I had human placenta injections which contain allantoin. I've all but given up. I just don't know anymore. Anyways take care of yourselves and never take life without pain/suffering for granted. God bless. Lonnie

Replied by Charity (Faithville , Us) on 10/18/2018

Tomorrow I am supposed to meet a friend to dig some comfrey. My gardening neighbor says it is troublesome because it spreads like blackberry and I have a ton of that. Comfrey and eggshells supposedly cause rotted teeth to heal rapidly. Teeth are just another symptom of a crisis in the body crying for solutions. Serrapeptase has been helping me sleep better and my liver is more peaceful. Then I tried the burdock root mama to many suggested and it seems to make pain much less. She is a blessing. My weight is dropping too. Maybe my liver cysts are draining. I can only hope. I don't weigh too much but a little flabby. My memory needs a miracle ACT OF GOD. I have overcome split personality but my parts are still growing up and I have this two year old that is struggling with working together and blocks my memory, because it's his body too and he has control over it. I raised three kids so two year olds are not foreign to me.My heart is one now and I hear one thought, not hundreds at a peaceful. Sexual abuse to children is devastating and heart breaking and fragmenting of ones person. But by the grace of God I move forward one inch at a time.

I never quit. I never give up. I'm an overcomer. I have overcome more than a hundred things. I have some to go but I will win over them . I go to church to worship and pray for others and give them tips that have helped me. As you reach out to help someone else it becomes a seed for your harvest. Even if the only thing you do is pray or smile at them. I have a ton of seed in the ground.

Lonnie, I pray God shows you keys to your solutions and fills your cup with Java Joy. When you lay down may God quicken you with insights and visions for your breakthrough. I read Elijah list to cheer myself up daily. Pick someone and pray for them. You will be stronger for it. Remember to declare how blessed and healthy you are and how good God is. Ask for divine appointments.

Replied by Anon (Usa) on 06/09/2018

I read the whole thing! That is HORRIBLE! Kefir ought to greatly benefit nearly all your symptoms. Get the best you can find at the grocery store and then order the things to make your own, which is said to be even better than the store-bought kind. If I were you I would drink as much of it as you can every day, all day, until your symptoms resolve. There are burn masks available that will protect your skin. Silica, vitamin c rich foods. Raw eggs, a dozen a day. Egg white is recommended for burns. Fresh aloe leaf gel internally and externally. There is a magnesium-based oxygen colon cleanser that I really appreciate. Colloidal silver may help. When your stomach is feeling a bit better garlic, raw and powdered in food. Sulfur. This should help a lot. Especially the kefir. Any kind of raw organic grass fed dairy products like cheese, yogurt, whey powder, etc., too. Fresh raw green vegetable juice like parsley, cabbage, fennel. Raw carrot juice. God bless!
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Replied by Yola4 (Leh, New Jersey ) on 06/10/2018

Hi Charity,

Thank you so much for writing me. I'm sorry you've also dealt with nerve endings going crazy. It's truly horrible.

I'm taking all of those supplements along with many others but almost worry about taking too many things. I also take a probiotic twice a day for gut health. Borage oil is boron? Oh man than I must be taking a lot more boron than what is recommended. I think I'm experiencing herxheimer already after only 2 days of ACV, BS and borax.

I am trying so incredibly hard to control my stress levels because of the whole cortisol issue but when you're shaking in so much pain it's rather hard to control it. That and the fact I've had anxiety and depression since 18 years old. The constant cycle of anxiety and then crashing has to stop. My heart and body get exhausted from the anxiety and I have no idea when during any particular day that I'll be able to sleep. As of last night I finally got to bed at 5 am. Idk how much longer I can mentally and physically take this. It's beyond exhausting. Have you healed from your issue? Thanks again for writing I'll look further into your suggestions.

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Replied by Yola4 (Leh, New Jersey ) on 06/10/2018

Thanks for writing. And also for reading my entire novel. I just want people to take this seriously because it's excruciating and not taken seriously by any of the doctors I've seen. Not like doctors have been any help in the past except for cases of emergency, surgeries and diagnosis. I dream about my life before this and it feels so far away and unimaginable to not be in this much discomfort. I will add kefir into my protocol as many have recommended it. Thanks again
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Replied by Yola4 (Leh, New Jersey ) on 06/10/2018

Hi Magnolia,

Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, I've tried pure Shea butter from garden of wisdom and couldn't tolerate it. It seems I can't put anything on my skin that traps the heat because it just makes the pain a lot worse.

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Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/11/2018

When I ruptured L-5, I didn't have surgery but spent a year in the tub 5-8 hours a day for pain management. The water can trick the brain to believe the pain signals are coming from a larger area and makes the signal weaker. Ahhhh relief. Soaking in water pulls water out of the body so you need to go in there with a tall glass of water. You can add some things to the water like mineral salts. Or vinegar, or baking soda. Play some music and light some candles. I took some flowers from my yard that are scented and just make it pleasant to get the relief while in the bath. Get a blowup bath pillow. Go down into the water up to your neck for best relief.
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Replied by Carol M (Michigan ) on 06/11/2018

Hi Yola4, Just wanted to suggest that you try the d Alpha vitamin E protocol found at this website. If you scroll down you will see the burn recommended dose. Also, Vitamin C is very important when you’re fighting something as severe as your issue. And Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil as well. I would try these along with the kefir and other recommendations. Hope you heal quickly and God Bless!

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Replied by Yola4 (Leh, New Jersey ) on 06/12/2018

Hi Carol,

I take vit E and vit C also but will look at the recommended dosages. I have tried the aloe Vera but it seems anything put on my over exfoliated skin just holds the heat in and makes the pain in worse so for now I can only tolerate oat beta glucans. My body can't handle coconut oil for some reason I always have a bad reaction to it. Which is rather unfortunate considering all of its uses. Thanks so much for your help. Love, Lonnie

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Replied by Chloe (Santa Barbara ) on 06/12/2018

I am sorry you are experiencing such terrible pain. I would treat this like a 2nd degree burn in order to heal. Even aloe sounds like it is too harsh until your skin starts to recover more. What if you coat your face with manuka or local raw honey and go lie down for an hour then rinse it off? The longer you can keep your skin coated in honey, the better. Also how about hyaluronic acid supplementation internally (not externally) to help your skin repair. I would research the best treatments for 2nd and 3rd-degree burns and follow those recommendations. Blessings and prayers.
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Replied by Yola4 (Nj) on 09/10/2018

Hi again Chloe,

I just wanted to add that I've been to a burn center and several ER's and they all assured me it would peel and called it a rash or a skin condition. I just don't understand why there's isn't any answers for this. It's obvious that my skin is severly over exfoliated in "emergency mode" but healing it seems to be impossible. I don't know what to do anymore... :, (

Replied by Charity (Faithville , Us) on 09/10/2018

I did discover something when I finished my kefir, in the neck of the bottle was this thick creamy stuff and when I put it on my skin it was so wonderful. I think the microbes on my skin loved it and went to work to calm down the tissues. I would leave it on and go to bed, so peaceful. Red wine is also wonderful after a shower, dab on with a cottonball and leave it. Blessings, Charity

Replied by Yola4 (Leh, New Jersey ) on 06/12/2018

Hi Chloe,

Thanks for responding. One of my cats name is Chloe :). I tried washing with and coating my face in Manuka honey for months and it just didn't help. I've tried so many remedies that I'm really frightened. It seems my skin is devoid of moisture from how thinned out it has become resulting in these little holes. As for now, Oat beta glucans seems to be the only thing besides washing with cool water that I can tolerate. I'm taking solgar HA supplements and looking into treatments that decrease inflammation, regenerate tissue, and put moisture back into the skin.

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Replied by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/14/2018

Hi Yola4, my recommendation is to start with the inside, a bone broth (grass fed) only intake for 3-4 days, liter minimum a day, to repair leaky gut and provide collagen. Collagen formation requires vitamin c and lysine also. A plant based diet provides much nutrients ONLY if you are digesting and absorbing them properly. Fresh Juicing is a better option and add organic herbal teas. The skin ( and whole body) need enough water to be properly hydrated, see watercure for information. Adding borage oil internally is a good idea, (flower), also the borax salts minerals have many benefits inc anti fungal. You may benefit from more animal protein than you stated you eat. There was a post here recently, I can't find it now, it said they took "too much" coconut oil and as a result their skin was supple and plumped up. Since oat beta glucan is all you can take topically, btw you can also take it internally, perhaps you can dilute castor oil with it and apply, castor oil is very healing to skin but it's very thick, I dilute mine with rosehip oil and a touch of orange for absorption, it goes straight in my skin this way. Of course I don't recommend the orange for you. I wish you the best, Teena
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Replied by Mama To Many (Tn) on 06/14/2018

Dear Yola4, I have hesitated to chime in. You have received so many great suggestions. You and Charity mentioned nerve pain. I had nerve pain years ago (neuropathy) and used Burdock Root capsules to heal it. I took 2 morning and evening. Burdock Root is a food and consumed as such in many cultures. It is also an ingredient in Essiac Tea, which may be something else to consider trying at some point as it is useful for a variety of chronic and severe health problems. Burdock Root is a blood purifier. And it is gentle. I happen to be in Southwest Virginia on a trip right now and saw so much wild growing Burdock on a hike today. I thought, so many people walk right by this plant and have no idea what it is capable of! The leaves are large and useful as a topical treatment by the Amish for severe burns. But I am off on a rabbit trail. Keep us posted!

~Mama to Many~

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Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 07/10/2018

Thanks for all the recommendations. I will try the ones out that I haven't already. I'm no thanks sure if its nerves or just inflammation from environmental irritants getting into my compromised skin. All I know is it's absolutely unbearable and idk how much longer I can bear it. Unfortunately I can't soak In a tub as I only have a shower. Thanks again 😓

Replied by Bill (The Philippines) on 07/14/2018

Hi Yola...Thanks for you're emails and I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time. My apologies also for not emailing or posting sooner on EC, but I've been building my new house in the Cebu provinces. It's taken us 14 months to build the house and for the last 7 months we've been living in the new house amongst all the constant noises from sawing, drilling, tile cutters, metal-cutters, hammering etc. During this time it really was impossible to concentrate or do anything!! So my humble apologies for not replying or responding to you much sooner.

I've read all your posts on EC and it would seem that you may have more than just a systemic candida problem. The first thing you should do is start taking the Anti-Candida Protocol. The key ingredients that you must take are : Lugol's Iodine, Borax, Gum Turpentine and Alkalizing Remedies in this protocol. There are also some powerful and easy-to-take Alkalizing Combos at the end of the protocol article. Please do not ignore them -- they are very useful and easy to take.

I also have some further suspicions concerning your candida or aspergillus problem. You mention also that you suffer from serious skin inflammation problems. So my question to you is: Do you have a mold problem in your apartment or house? If you do have significant black mold(Aspergillus niger) problems then you must get rid of that problem in your home or you will not be able to cure yourself of your current problems(which might have been caused by Aspergillus and mold in the first place). If you're not sure about the black mold in your home -- please get it checked out by professionals. Skin problems or problems with scalp and lungs is a strong indicator that you might have black mold spores in your home. By the way, the treatment for Aspergillus fungal infection is no different to treating yourself for a systemic candida problem.

Here's how you should take the Anti-Candida Protocol....As a precaution against a massive and unpleasant Herx reaction, when you start the protocol you should start taking each of the major ingredients one by one. For instance just start by taking just the Lugol's Iodine and finding the dose that you're happiest with. Then move on to the next major protocol nutrient and do the same, one by one. If you get a healing crisis or Herx caused by any of the major ingredients then you should reduce the dosage appropriately to reduce the Herx reaction. Whatever you do, please don't stop the protocol. And after a few weeks or months on low doses, try raising the dosage until you achieve the recommended protocol dosages for all the primary protocol ingredient and stay on it until you are healed.

You also mentioned that you have arthritis. Well the waste products and poisons produced by both candida or gut parasites is probably the cause of your RA. Borax is the ultimate fungal killer in my opinion. And it is essential for bone developement, it kills mycoplasma bacteria(which can also cause arthritis) and it is one of the few natural minerals that that will detox Fluorine out of your body safely. You also mentioned that your arthritis comes and goes. If that's the case your RA might be caused by poisons from parasites in your intestines. If your serious arthritic flare ups occur on the full moon then that would confirm it. The larger intestinal parasites always tend to breed and reproduce on the full moon. And when they breed they release even more poisons which causes all the gut problems and flare ups.

You also mentioned Lyme problems. If that's still a problem then you should go over to John Buhner's website and take his protocol for Lyme which isn't too complicated. His website is here. Although it's a lengthy protocol, his protocols are very effective against Lyme. You could also have a look at Ted from Bangkok's remedies for Lyme - they are also first rate. See Ted's Lyme Remedies on EC.

Lastly, because of your serious skin problems, I think it would help you to have a special spa bath once a week. Add the following ingredients to the bathwater.

1/4 cup of borax.

1/2 cup sodium Bicarbonate powder(Arm & Hammer brand is fine)

1/2 cup Magnesium chloride flakes(Ancient Minerals brand)

Fill 1/2 a whisky shot glass with pure gum turpentine.

If you have Lyme or skin infections then this spa bath will be very healing because it should disinfect any infections in your skin. Also be warned that if you have Lyme then, after the special bath, the Borellia in your skin will do their best to leave your body by the quickest exit. So you might get some creepy crawly sensations in your skin after taking this bath.

Lastly, don't be afraid to come back and tell us how things are going with the the Anti-Candida protocol. I'm not sure I've covered everything for you, so don't be afraid to come back and ask here on EC whenever you have that need.

Replied by Yola4 (Nj) on 09/10/2018

Hi everyone,

I just want to thank everyone for responding. Thank you for taking the time to write and offer hope but I'm starting to feel like I've ruined my life with one simple mistake. From my extensive research it seems that Retin A and severe over exfoliation is incurable. I'm feeling very depressed. I have tried most of the suggestions here and nothing seems to help. I do not know how to rebuild my skin barrier and this red, shiny, holey, strange pitted and cracking texture has consumed me. I'm truly exhausted as there seems to be no answer. God bless you all for trying to help me...

Replied by Marnie (Nampa, Id) on 09/11/2018

I have read that colloidal silver sprayed on burn victims helps them regenerate skin. It wouldn't trap in heat and may even be soothing. Some say that the colloidal silver has a negative charge and is part of the reason it helps regenerate skin. Also, never underestimate the power of prayer. Reach out to others in your local church and ask them to pray for you. Blessings
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Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 09/11/2018

Thanks guys, a lot of people are praying for me...

Replied by Janet (In) on 09/12/2018


Like Charity said candida is the lack of healing. Ted's remedy looks good.

There are things I would do, step by step to begin laying a foundation of healing.

For the time being, I imagine you have cut out sugar. If not, try to. That can undo your efforts.

I went through an awful time with cystic acne. I could not go out in public, children pointed at my face and asked Mommies, what is wrong with that lady? I looked like minced meat, awful. The doctor patted my head and told me I was fine, argh. Not your issue. I do understand though.

So you can build a treatment. You will most likely need a blender. I use a $20 Oster.

1st make a big container of borax water. I make a gallon at a time. 1/3 cup of borax. 1/2 that for a 1/2 gallon, and so on. (I use a bucket and split it into spray bottles. Keep a container under the sinks.) Let it sit 1 hour. Grains should be mostly gone. Dip fill some sprayers avoiding grains. To each bottle add 1% hydrogen peroxide, to 99% borax saturated water. Lightly spray your face. You can test on a small area. Borax is a great skin fixer. The peroxide will oxygenate your skin. you might pat it dry, I would allow it to air dry. This should be your face wash and basic treatment.

In the blender put 1/2 cup msm powder. Blend it dry to grind it down. It is a tough powder, add 1/2 cup spring water and a smidge of alcohol it breaks the msm up. Blend. Put in a jar. I buy mason jars. Oster blades fit them, it cuts out a step. Store in frig. This can be used to cool down irritated skin plus heal. Just pat some on as needed. There is a company that sells excellent msm products, we use them. Ultra Aesthetics. Amazon. Clean healthy products. The face cream is healing.

To make your own, Shea butter, cocoa butter, and reground msm in the blender. It is grainy no matter what. Which is the reason I brought up the company, theirs is better.

Bulletproof to rebuild your collagen, this also is a tonic. It is a great way to take nutrients. We use coffee, tea, or bone broth, soup broth, 1 cup. Add 1 scoop, mounded tablespoon of collagen, 1 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp MCT oil. Blend 10 seconds, drink.

2x a week add 2 tbsp lecithin, non GMO, 1/4 tsp cilantro. Can go in your bulletproof or in another dish. This will remove rancid fats from your liver and heavy metals from your body, preventing healing.

Alkalinity will improve the body and internal health. You cannot heal if your body is acidic. 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass add 1/2 tsp baking soda. Let fizz. Add 1/2 glass of water, drink 2x a day 1/2 hour after food. 5 days out of 7. The malate's will improve skin.

Hyaluronic Acid is great. 300 to 600 mg split into 2 doses a day really improves all skin. Joints. Smooth the pitting.

If you have any bacterial infection I might make a tonic. Reduce 2 plain uncoated aspirin. In a cup of borax water, add a little of your msm water. A tsp or 2. Treat your face by patting it on.

Vitamin D3, you can buy vitamin d cream. I would treat my face with a small amount. Then take 5 to 10,000 in coconut oil. Daily. Since you cannot get any sun and what you said about your other challenges seem to point you may be very low on D. With D you need magnesium 250 mg 2x a day. Citrate for constipated types. Malate for runny stool types. You can watch Dr Michael Holicks videos on you tube, re D. Have the Dr do a test and there are home tests.

To get more mag. Taking Epsom soaks in the tub would be beneficial. 2 cups Epsom, 1 cup borax, 1 capful fish tank dechlorinator. To protect your skin and lungs from chlorine steam. 20 minutes.


  • Fluoride
  • Aluminum
  • Plastics
  • Coated cooking pans
  • Msg
  • Aspartame
  • GMOs, all grains if you can
  • Table salt, use sea salt only
  • Vegetable oils, use coconut oil or butter only.
  • Detergents use, Arm and Hammer Washing Soda powder and borax only.

Wash your pillowcases with, borax and Epsom. 1 cup each. Stop the washer after first spin, dry them. Change them every day.

Shampoos and soaps. At the very least, use a natural brand. Or Dr. Bronners.

Avoid any harsh sprays or cleaners. Use you borax spray for everyday cleaning.

1 manganese capsule 1x a month. Helps restore some hair growth. Niacinamide, not niacin, 500mg 2x a day will help. It really helps liver health. The livers condition seems to rear up on skin and hair. Kind of like your body is talking to you. Here is an age spot, I am congested, lecithin and niacinamide please.

If you were my daughter this is what we would do. You should see results day one. By the 3rd day real progress to know you are on the right track. When I began using these things especially the borax. The scars, from a dog bite over 50 years ago just melted away. It was a crater right next to my nose.


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Replied by Yola4 (South Jersey ) on 09/22/2018

Thank you Janet for taking the time and energy to post all of that great information. I'm not sure I can tolerate much of anything put on the skin right now but I will give some of those remedies a try. So topically you are saying to apply the borax and hydrogen peroxide solution and a vit D cream? When I drink borax solution I vomit profusely. As for alkalinity and health, I have been on the right path for months now, but haven't seen any improvement. I was expecting my Vit D level to be low but lab tests revealed that it's actually high. I don't have a tub available to do baths only a shower here. I'm so thankful to everyone writing on here...I'm just immensely overwhelmed and can't get the horror stories out of my mind. It seems obvious that my fears of the worst have taken over so along with diet and candida ect I'm also focusing on meditation and positive thinking. God bless

Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 09/25/2018


I really am curious to try your method but also scared. Doesn't aspirin contain salicylic acid? I know from past events that salicylic acid would send me to the ER. I guess I'm just terrified of making matters worse. I'm happy this remedy got rid of your dog bite scar but I'm no thanks sure that's the same thing as what's I'm going through. I'm basically trying to rebuild several layers my skin barrier and get my smooth functioning skin back. I need to look into these things more because one wrong move could be catastrophic for me but you have definitely peaked my curiousity. Some say to mega dose on Vit C and D. I'd love to chat some more about what you're suggesting. Idk if I'm able to direct message on this site. I wish someone that's gone through this and healed would come along but it seems no one heals. I just have to....Anyways thanks again.

Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 09/12/2018

Hi Yola4, I do understand emotional states and realize battles in health and appearance can suck the energy out of you. Verbage is as much a part of the battle as anything. I have to speak to my health daily. I overcome, I defeat all lack, I take back all losses and make them benefits. I can do this because I am created for this . Nothing falls into the impossible category. Slow and steady is the way . My body was created to self heal, I just need to figure out how to hear what it's saying and help it do what it's telling me. Nature was created for my benefit and it's trying to tell me the answers I am seeking, they will show up as divine appointments to meet my needs.

My feet get what you have on your face and I use milk of magnesia . I think sometimes it's like a secondary infection sets in ontop of the wounds and the MOM really knocks it down on my feet. If I try too hard to get rid of candida, I get push~back symptoms on skin and it can be a battle to take that back . Candida is a tough customer. If it were the only problem I was fighting it would be a breeze but it's one of ten major things. They are mind, spirit and body . Stress in relationships can cause health drama. Stress in spirit realms can cause major health issues. Stress in body can make life hell on earth but if you get your mind to work with you, you can win this . Watch your thoughts and your lips. Teach them to speak healing, peace and hope.I bought a dollar store sign that says I'm grateful, thankful and truly blessed!!! And I have faith to win...Blessings, Charity

One more silly thing that popped into my head ...your own urine on your skin could heal it, your body has a computer and when your own urine touches part of it, sets off the diagnostics to reset programs that are out of balance...I read a lot.

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Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 09/22/2018

Hey again Charity,

I'm feeling very depressed so yes you are absolutely right that I must take control back. I realize my body has the ability to heal and repair this completely if only my mind and spirit would get into alignment. I often wish I had exfoliated any area rather than my face like my leg or arm for example. And I've become obsessed with calendar dates to the point that I'm always reading dates and wishing I could go back to that particular day as long as it's prior to this disaster and my health issues. What a difference only a few years can make. As you can tell my mental health has suffered severely, mainly because I thought I had a great support system, but apparently I was wrong and now feel more alone than ever. Which is causing me to want to give up...making me feel worthless and unimportant ect...If I felt like I mattered to someone/anyone in my life I'd try harder. So for now I'm trying for myself and my cats. As no one else cares if I'm here or not and some of the things that supposed "loved ones" have said to me recently have crushed me and are truly unforgivable. My soul is crushed. I'm trying my best to hang on and implement as much as I can from all the suggestions. Sorry I'm all over the place ranting right now. Thank you for following along with my thread and my journey back to wellness. I will try to stop the negative elf talk and start saying uplifting things to my body. I have started full body oil massages and blessing each part of my body that is functioning well so praising myself rather than making my body the enemy. Life would be different without a big toe or a liver or anything that I take for granted. It seems so easy to be consumed by the part that isn't working for us. Anyways I'm off on a tangent and bouncing all over the place with my thoughts. My point in all of this nonsensical rambling is that I need to believe I'll heal and I also need to be more thankful and optimistic. Thanks again for posting your thoughts and suggestions guys. Hugs to all of you.


Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 09/25/2018

I just read that borax applied topically is a natural exfoliant. That would have been a huge disaster. I wish doctors would help me or someone knew the answer. I can't go on like this much longer :, (

Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 09/27/2018

HI Lonnie, I see you have much help on this thread that you can keep coming back to reread and pick up bits and apply them as you journey back to health. I usually try a little of this and a little of that due to ultrasensitive nature. I am trying the serrapeptase this week at bedtime and hoping to regain some liver health and memory. Last night was my first night and I slept well.

I hope you keep a journal of this journey back to health so you can help others when they cross your path . You never know, maybe you will develop a new skin care line of natural products and write a book. So many posters in earth clinic have learned so much from their journey back to health.

One day Ted will be back with more for us to learn . Keep one foot in front of the other and sing a happy song. Blessings, Charity

Replied by Janet (In) on 09/25/2018


I am with you. Overwhelmed is no joke. As each toxic overload has stolen my mind, my health, me.

Although I wrote out the skin remedies that we found helpful. It is always a bigger picture.

If Borax is making you sick, at a pinch in water amount, it speaks to a larger issue. If the vitamin d test says your levels are adequet, I suspect the test. Or the evaluating Dr.

Here is a different approach, from a whole person look, rather than the symptom of your skin alone.

Vitamin d is very contentious, within the medical community, all the way to healing groups on fb. What I find frustrating is protocols and 1 answer declarations.

If you have this reaction, or many others. Retinol is not the answer. Hidden in many skin products its claims are untruth. If you have enough boron in your body. If fluoride is removed. Your skin exfoliates itself. With the addition of solid amounts of vitamin a you can watch a lifetime of callouses and skin thickening melt away, all on their own. Your body will begin to utilize the nutrients you give it with solid digestive help. When your skin was initially damaged, there can follow separate and equally problematic issues.

All of our health, our brains depend on our intestinal health, digestion and liver function. Simplifying your remedy to the root of the problem. This includes mood, adrenal function.

To overcome the physical and emotional burden, I might start with Holy basil, 1000mg 3x a day. It soothes the adrenals allowing anxiety to diminish. It is a real help. Consistent use is relief. It can stop circular thinking, anxiety creates this brain loop of energy draining around an endless pattern. It can disturb sleep or rest. Digestion. A host of problems.

Vitamin d, I can only say I read the miracles everyday regarding vitamin d. With Dr Combrias patients, today's was psoriasis in the scalp cured with high dose vitamin d. The problems that are great mysteries within the autoimmune community are amazing. MS, Lupus, Lipomas, Fibro, Hashimotos on and on. The problem with it lies with the lack of understanding within the medical community of how really depleted this is.

The success of using it to heal lies in understanding nothing is a one answer issue. If your vitamin d is sufficient, you must have adequet magnesium and minerals to support the action of d and its absorption along with vitamin k2 or nattokinase. If not then d is unabsorbed and sealed away from its usefulness.

Oxygen, anxiety can steal it. Release your shoulders from your ears, drop your tongue from the roof of your mouth. This will stop the anxiety, your can feel a tremendous physical relief. The consequence will feel relieving. It illustrates the anxiety. You will notice, you revert to the same position if you are not mindful of it. It does not solve much in the short term but may allow you to "see" this.

Nutritional support for your skin. The same topical remedies I mentioned earlier can help. To enhance or power them these things will help. Using Holy basil for your adrenals.

Absorption of nutrients to support your efforts.

Clean the liver of toxins and rancid fats. 2 tbsp of non GMO lecithin, 1/4 tsp of cilantro 2x a week to remove heavy metals.

Digestion, 20 minutes before food, a full spectrum amino acid supplement. At the beginning of each meal, full protein digesting enzyme with hcl.

Alkalizing, 2tbsp apple cider vinegar in a glass, add 1/2 tsp baking soda, let fizz, add 1/2 glass of water and drink, 1/2 hour after food, 2x a day, 5 days out of 7. You can measure your alkalinity with 1st morning urine. Buy a $50 pocket alkalinity tester. Great investment. Your reading should be 7.2. You can gauge your health. See Teds alkalinity chapter to understand how far reaching this one thing is. I suggest Teds book PH Balanced for Life. Brilliant help.

Magnesium, 250 mg 2x a day, mag citrate for constipated types, mag malate for runny stool types.

Supplements that can help.

Hyaluronic acid, 300 to 600 mg a day.

Vitamin a, carrot juice, a few x a week.

B vitamins, each individual b is health, combined and absorbed, amazing. B3 as niacinamide. Not niacin. It is a skin remedy itself. I use it in many tropicals. I can blend it into just about any lotion or cream that I buy for topical use, to further healing, internally humans need large amounts for nutrition and emotional health. It can help heal the liver. All of the multi bs on the market have drawbacks due to less than stellar forms of each individual one. Choline in the gut is essential with innositol for emotional wellbeing. Utilization of other nutrients. Thiamine absorption critical to all of the nutrient absorption. Their story requires chapters rather than a paragraph. We use powdered liver or liver as food to supplement, another choice is brewers yeast. Both rich in niacinamide. Then extra niacinamide, watch for msg in this supplement, it is used often and is poison.

Idoral, potassium iodide 65 mg every other day. For a week.

L Tyrosine, 500mg extra with Amino's before meals to help absorb the iodine.

L Carnitine 500mg with other Amino's has shown to benefit those of us that have some chemicals in our issues Glyphosates in foods for one.

L lysine, 4 hourly doses in the morning of 500 to 1000 mg for 3 days. To kill any lingering infection.

If there is mold in your environment. The symptoms are vast and puzzling and could be the crux of the whole issue. You can buy mold testing Petrie dishes on Amazon or some hardware stores. You can look up pictures of your results or have them analyzed. This insidious monster hides well. You cannot see it or smell it always. It can wreak havoc. An opportunistic invader it will make any issue larger or cause it to worsen. It can be a one time event. Or an old exposure that rears up and begins its devastation.

Spraying of chemicals, another huge issue. Spray drift from farms, parks, businesses, neighbors can have horrible mystery effects. If you look up poisonings from various chemicals, bug sprays, glyphosates. Or just heavy metal poisoning you may find the cause.

Mercury or silver fillings in your mouth, they can set you up for a real fall. Where 10 people without them, will take or do a regime and heal. The person with fillings will be left out. Or have very limited help from supplements. It is why consistent use of lecithin cilantro is important.

Nightshade vegetables, potato's tomato's and peppers, all inflammatory can cause skin problems by themselves. With another burden removed, you might find relief.

Carrageen, in clean foods(?) Organics is used as a thickening agent and disrupts digestion. Nut milks have it.


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Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 09/26/2018

Hi Bill...I was just rereading the thread and for some reason the reply I sent to you never was posted or I did something wrong. Anyways I wanted to congratulate you on your new home and thank you for your suggestions. I've incorporated several of them into my routine. I know you mentioned baths for my skin (I only have a shower) but do you know any other remedies for shiny, waxy, orange peel over exfoliated skin? Hope you are well.

Hi again Janet,

wow Idk where to begin! So you don't think that over exfoliation and Retin A is the cause of this? It's well documented all over the Internet...horror stories of it causing this extensive damage. Something is definitely not right because my skin seems to burn the most when I put anything on it. I have so many questions in regards to your thoughtful suggestions. I have eliminated sugar, gluten and dairy and take vit D along with its cofactors. Yes, black mold is an issue here but being bedridden I'm not sure what I can do about it. I tried borax on it and it just came back. Its visible in my air conditioners and in my bathroom. I feel like you are very educated and would love to chat because each day is feeling harder and harder to get through so something must change. I'm scared of the thoughts running through my head. Just the cat gash alone would make most women crazy. Do you really think I'd see results in just days of using those topical solutions? I agree that it's more than skin deep. I appreciate all the information you've given me and would love to chat if at all possible. I really need to try the anxiety/adrenal remedy. In fact, as I was reading your post I had to relax my shoulders and put my tongue down from the roof of my mouth but just like you mentioned it keeps going back so I need to be conscious of it. I've never felt so sad, angry, scared and overwhelmed in my entire life. Tears keep flowing but reading posts like yours that make me feel its possible to turn it all around keep me going. I don't just want to heal god myself but also for all of the other people I talk to with this horrible condition...

Replied by Ian Noelle (Franklin, Tn) on 09/26/2018

In 2014 I had a severe sand and wind exfoliated facial burn. My skin would tolerate nothing. Healing took place when I applied raw cream from raw whole milk. This can not be found in a grocery, not even in Whole Foods. You will need to seek out a local, organic farmer who is willing to sell you raw, unpasteurized whole milk.

Take the milk home and place in a glass jar with room for the cream to grow. I found when the milk was left in plastic it affected the quality of skin healing. Refrigerate the milk until the cream starts to separate and thicken in volume. This may be immediate or it may take a few days.

After cleansing your face, apply nothing but the cream. Try not to shake it or cause the thickened cream to emulsify back into the milk. Gently collect some thick cream from the top of the milk jar. Moisturize the face with only the thickened, butter-like cream. The older the cream, the better. Apply to skin every two hours until healing takes place. Then decide from there about tapering back the schedule.

Tips to know your farmer is legitimate. The milk should: 1) smell gamey, 2) be light yellow in color which is a good sign of a grassfed cow with a higher K2 content, and 3) be from a Jersey or Guernsey breed producing A2 milk (an organic farmer will know this). Beware, it will have an animal smell from being a raw, dairy product. Take this into account if venturing into public.

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Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 10/01/2018

Hey guys,

Hi Ian that's interesting A derm did tell me to try whole fat milk rinses (he didn't mention the cream but that sounds even better). Idk where I'd find that around here if have to go online and even then idk if I could trust the source. Was your skin just red or all texturey looking too? Thanks for the suggestion.

Hey Charity,

I tried serrapeptase and then Vitalzym for a few months there. Let us know how you do! I am journaling this but the unfortunate fact that no one online has healed from this is daunting idk why some genius doctor doesn't develop a plan to fix this he'd become a very rich man with all the people in despair. Thanks for following along with my journey to wellness.

Hi Janet,

Do you still recommend the borax and other things topically along with B5? For the cat cut alone what would be the best remedy? Did you have to do everything you wrote to get rid of the dog bite scar? I really need to get a full regimin written down because this is looking very expensive to keep up all these supplements and such up. Hopefully, Bill will chime in with more suggestions. Thanks everyone please pray for me and I'll do the same for you...

Replied by Janet (In) on 09/28/2018


I have used B5 successfully for many things. Internally, it is an amazing thing. Soft tissue repair digestion, general healing.

Ted recommends panthenol for internal use. You buy this as a powder. To find the way to measure it. Well, 3 days searching. I am still unable to find a weight or device method for it.

So the next choice is pantethine, sold as a gel cap. It is a good supplement, but in oil is never my favorite as added oils are a burden on the liver. So pantethine 500 mg every day for a week. Then every other day.


Topically, to buy the powder and make a liquid to apply would be harder. They do sell a gel of just panthenol premix to add to lotions and soaps.

The general recipe is 5% of gel to your recipe of 95% lotion, soap or shampoo. Or 5% added to 95% of your favorite topical lotion.

Sold as 2 oz, I would buy a few.

The powdered panthenol demands too much extra effort, I think.


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Replied by Janet (In) on 10/02/2018


I went back and reread what Ted has said re skin conditions. Reviewed what I wrote. Put it in order if, what I would do.

Between the 6 of us, we have had some very wacky issues over the years. Experimentation and results, inform my thinking.

Your initial injury, would it begin to be healing over time somewhat? It should, even uneven and less than stellar results would be expected. Being a chemical burn, you would make sure you have drawn off the chemical, charcoal poultice would help and not cling.

If it is a detox return as the chemical re-emerges. Another series of poultices to soothe and eliminate.

Bag of charcoal powder $5, bottle of capsules 10 to $20 this varies widely.

The most likely issue of not healing is internal, low boron, low vitamins, low Amino's, low b vitamins, hormonal imbalance.

Toxins in the body, the partner of low nutrition. It is usually, fluoride. The Satan in everything. Boron/borax is the skin tonic. You can try a pinch in a liter of water, use that to make a drink. Or make saturated borax water. Gently pat on face. Removing fluoride will stop its interference. Borax, $5

Your liver is always talking through your skin. So one must remove rancid fats and heavy metals. 2 tbsp non GMO lecithin. $11. Cilantro, 2oz $3. 2x a week, in food or off a spoon.

Your liver uses tremendous amounts of Niacinamide, it is a much needed nutrient with far reaching capabilities. 500 to 1000mg a day. A clean supplement is about $11 a bottle.

B50 as a vitamin is about $10 or liver powder1/2 lb $10. Brewers yeast the same 3x a week.

Dietary eliminations have their own costs. But you get a lot of bang for your buck. Big Lots sells a stainless pan for about 15 to $20. It will not last forever but is adequate until you have time to replace each thing you need.

Organic is important. In reality, I would choose non GMO foods. Our collective poisoning in this country is due to it. So my choice between 2 options if that is the case. Would be non GMO. It is poison.

No aluminum, none zero. It is toxic to the healthy, it is deadly to the impaired.

Aspartame, human destruction. A chemical poison. Has no reason to even exist. Destroys your brain. Interferes with your healthy efforts.

Plastics. Undermine your hormonal balance, critical to human health. Hormonal balance is the engine in the intestine. From sleep to digestion, healing it is the key in most problems. No matter your age or gender. Excess estrogen, from commercial farming water, soil, foods plastic lined cans. Water bottles. Save glass jars. Use for storage, drinking, taking foods with you. Use paper, wax, parchment in the kitchen. Do not stuff your purse or pockets with reciepts, they are hormone disruptors. The cost of balancing hormones, I assume or speculate that you might benefit from it. 12.5 mg DHEA, one x a week for 2 weeks. Then reassess. 6 to $8. Pregnenolone, 25mg 1x $5. Progesterone cream, 1/4 tsp applied to trunk of body, 1x a week for 1 month skip week of period $20. This is again setting you up to succeed in overcoming your issues. It is what helps my teenagers, my 20 something's, my old self, my mom in her 70s my husband and my sons various issues.

Iodine, 5% lugols iodine to paint a square on trunk of body alternating with foot painting before bed. To wake up the thyroid. It tells the body that there is a problem. Those of us poisoned by fluoride have calcified pituitaries and sluggish thyroids. These I would do 1 month and as you will begin to see results. Reassess your stragedies. $25

Vitamin D $15 and magnesium $10, depending on which mag suits you. Epsom $5 8lbs. Topical vitamin d lotion 20 to $25. Again this is important for skin and human health. Watch Dr Holicks You Tube presentation.

Coconut oil, to renew the interior of you mouth and help your liver, brush with coconut oil. Just added help with your healing efforts. Spit in garbage not drains. Aside from regular toothbrushing. $10

B5 panthenol, pricey supplement which is why I recommend buying the 2oz, raw for topical application. Reduced in organic glycerine. You can take off the tip of a spoon. And use topically, a little more messy as the pantethine gel caps are $25 a bottle.

L carnosine, pricey amino acid. But taken on an empty stomach gives your body and healing direction. 20 to $25 a bottle.

The MSM cream I use, from Ultra Aesthetics, $20. Great stuff though.

Holy Basil for anxiety and soothing the adrenals, $15, loose herb $15 a pound.

This list is in what I consider in order of importance. I think I covered the recipes and reasoning in previous communications.

The only other thing I can add, the lysine remedy, in our case I always get this going, for nearly everything and keep it around. For infection and viral components it is my go to.Easy for me to say, I have these on hand. Would I work towards having it around if I were you, yes. Starting from scratch I would follow the above regime.

The alkalinity drink, the importance of this is beyond compare. I am mentioning here at the end as this is a cost and benefit list. I would assume by now you have looked into the vast amount of benefit it is to all, especially the health challenged. It is a given to heal. ACV $5 baking soda 50cents.


A good overview by Ted:

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Replied by Yola4 (Nj) on 10/02/2018

Hi Janet,

Ohhhhh I won't accept less than stellar results or anything less than my former self so that, for the sake of my life, cannot happen. I know it's a bit of semantics, but it is not a chemical burn it's a severally compromised barrier meaning my skin isn't holding in the lipids and moisture that it should giving it an orange peel/rosacea appearance. The burning is just a sensitivity issue as so many irritants and bacteria can now make their way into my permeable barrier. Keep in mind I've been to many derms, doctors, estheticians and a few ER's, also a burn center and not one of them said it was an actual burn which frustrates me because a burn does heal but an impaired barrier can either heal or will just keep cycling itself in and out of an inflammatory state. Me being the latter of the two. I completely agree that I'm not healing because of internal factors but I'm steadfast on the fact that I must heal back to my former state. Law of attraction and meditation have become very important to me. I've tried several expensive remedies for actual burns including PDRN therapy and it's useless. In my anxious state (I'll need to find that Holy Basil), I'm exaggerating a bit when I say that no one has healed from this. Several have 100% healed but it seems time and the right topicals along with a healthy, alkaline diet are key.

I have about 90% of your recommendations in my home and utilize them daily. The borax, alkaline formula, Lugols, Vit D, Niacinamide, lecithin, coconut oil, ect....even the msm cream. I tossed out my toothpaste a long time ago and brush with coconut oil. I do need to get the holy basil and one or two of the supplements you mentioned. Luckily, for me (or maybe not so lucky since I had to heal it in the first place) I've healed myself of RA naturally so I know a lot about health in general in regards to aspartame, silver fillings, plastics hormone disruptors, aluminum, buying organic, gut health, toxicity, ect but even that knowledge hasn't been helpful thus far. It seems for most it's a matter of time itself and keeping your stress levels and cortisol down.

I have a plan set to fix my barrier but you have me intrigued about this dog bite scar. Repairing the cat gash is the one thing that is eluding me. That's why I was asking what you specifically did to get it to melt away!? I know it's both internal and external but was it the borax topically applied that made the biggest difference or everything you mentioned in your first post? I've read where several healed their acne scars with borax. First of course, I'd have to heal my barrier but I'd love to learn more about what you, personally did to eradicate that. Sorry if I've asked half a dozen times just direct me to the post and I'll follow it when the time comes. And thank you so much for taking all of this time out of your life to help a stranger. You're a great person as are all of you that have chimed in with your ideas and insight. I will 100% heal from this and pay it forward. God bless.


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/03/2018

Yola4, if you are very careful, the very best topical is imho is what I call "the big guns": Healing Clay. But since it can easily be overused in your delicate situation, I would start with:

1. Kaolin (white clay) which is the mildest sort of clay.

2. Wetting an applying the paste for a VERY FEW minutes only once a day.

In a while, keeping an eye on how your skin responds, you might try French Green Clay or any of the others. But again: FOR A VERY SHORT WHILE.

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Replied by Delfina (Karachi) on 10/03/2018

May I know how you heal yourself of RA? Thanks for your input.

Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 10/04/2018

Hi Karachi,

Well I won't lie it was a multitude of factors that healed my RA. I haven't had any pain or debilitating flare ups in over 2 years now. I thought at certain points I was regressing but it was simply me sleeping on the same shoulder every night that caused my arm pain/stiffness.

I wish I could give you a list of things to do that would eradicate this disease from your body but all I can do is give you my suggestions and tell you what healed me. First and foremost, working with a naturopath was the beginning of my healing. I had several dietary issues, leaky gut, imbalances, deficiencies, ect. A remedy for all of this for me was to eat a Whole Foods well balanced diet eliminating gluten and dairy and including probiotics into my diet. Drinking Half my weight in lemon water everyday. Walking 30 minutes or more every day to get circulation going. Brushing my teeth with coconut oil and ditching all chemical laden perfumes, deodorants, toothpastes, ect. I would only cook my grass fed/organic protein in a crock pot on low heat in lemon water to prevent glycation. I only drank water from a local source that wasn't kept in plastic. Try to keep everything in glass as plastic especially when sitting in the sun can disrupt the bodies hormones. Now because I was constipated I'd do enemas to release waste buildup in my system. I came off of methotrexate and all toxic medications. I also juiced once or twice a day to get adequate nutrition to my body because of my gut permeability issue. I eventually added Acv and baking soda into my regime. I feel the biggest impact was diet and nutrition and eliminating gluten and dairy. There was a lot more that I did that I cannot think of due to my current predicament. But I'd start with the basics healthy diet, clean water, and elimination of all toxins/chemicals/ect. I started cleaning my home with organic cleansers. For me healing is a very personal journey where you find out what your body is lacking and what it is crying out for. Idk if this helped, but once I heal from this skin issue I will write you a more concise and clear message of what I did to heal. I must add that I also healed my body of Hashimotos too. It was like once one disease was remedied the other followed suit. I only suffered with RA for 1.5 years and Hashimotos for a year. It took me a mere 2 months to remedy the RA and an additional 2 months for my thyroid problem. My last bloodtest came back great but I still stay on a healthy diet/lifestyle. People get complacent and disease will creep back into your life. I was determined though and steadfast in the fact that I'd heal. No matter what don't give up.

Replied by Janet (In) on 10/03/2018


The things I listed, was what I was doing. It was a result. I was not directly trying to remove it.

I was so busy being grateful, to not have a hamburger face. Yes, 1 plain aspirin in my borax water. 325 mg in a 1 liter bottle, topically. For its antibacterial properties.

After 1yr, We had new skin. All of us. Did I expect those results, no.

Our journey was correcting the assault of vaccines and medical treatment, poisoned water. Unwinding the layers of injuries. UNpoisoning.

Personally I consider all the medical treatments and medicine as injuries. Assault. Criminal assault.

From my Mom's chemo many years ago. To my daughter's "specialist" in charge of the recovery of her foot. The air bag manufacturers loose and wobbly testing of the devices being left to consumers in the cars the buy. Untested unproven, in many cases deadly. The fluoride laden medications. The deadly farming practices killing all through slow poisoning.

You must recover twice from everything. The illness/injury and the treatment by the medical profession.

I do believe that as the bite, may have had a lingering hidden, bacteria fungus, now I think that. Before I never thought about it at all. After 50 years it was just there. Ted's writing about mycoplasma, lingering virus, bacteria, candida, give me pause.

We have so much information that we pick up through casual exposure. Subliminally. Acne is from chocolate, puberty. Fluoride saves teeth. Genetically modified food will feed the hungry. Plastic is safe. Recycle plastic to save the world. Hemp and cannabis is bad. We will fight and argue to defend the things we do not even know the source of our knowledge.

The only thing I did not really stress, which I think was a factor in all the skin recovery is sodium thiosulfate. 1 crystal per approx. 1 liter of water. To remove chlorine. For some, a faucet filter is enough, I have no tolerance for chlorine. I was poisoned or overwhelmed by it. You can read about it in Ted's Remedy chapter.

The list I wrote previously was and is recovery, intended and unintended. The skin changes were a result. That includes in our household, psoriasis, ringworm, acne, cystic acne, calluses, wrinkles, skin thickening, acne scars, discolorations, vision recovery, old scars, when I lost the feeling in my hands I had burns and cuts every day. Severe burns. Vein issues. Skin thickening, elbows and knees. Dandruff. Note that when I tried to remove moles, I got very ill, I suspect I had candida severely, using Apple Cider Vinegar or iodine on them I felt awful. Until I dealt more directly with the fungal issues, I had no idea I had. Sodium molybdate, vanadium.


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Replied by Yola4 (Nj) on 10/07/2018

Hey guys,

So I've decided to do do your whole regimine Janet and I hope nothing was left out because I'm really needing new skin...plain and simple this mess has to go. The fact that it worked for not just you but your husband and son makes me think it should work for anyone. Have you ever thought of writing an e-book? I mean getting rid of all scarring and even psorisis and wrinkles too? Even if that was just an unintended result thats still pretty incredible and most doctors would say impossible. I'd bet many people would buy it even if I try was short. My whole face has dropped now and it looks severly sunken and awful (no structural integrity I'm guessing??) Anyways, I'm willing to give your plan a year before doing something drastic...meaning horrible toxic Accutane. Because for some random reason Accutane has worked miracles for this issue for others. I saw my niece and nephew the other day and they looked terrified of me. Ugh don't take life for granted guys :, (. I'll be back in a year to report if this worked. Thanks.

Replied by Yola4 (Nj) on 10/07/2018


Even if the initial injury heals all weird I'm still hoping to eradicate it with everything you listed, as you've given me hope to go on. And I won't lie there have been many days where I have all but thrown in the towel. I never thought bought at this age (35) that I'd be literally fighting for my life and future. I really don't want to go on Accutane. So I wrote out the entire list of everything mentioned and I hate to pester but do you have any brand recommendations? I have lugols, borax, braggs ACV, but you mentioned B vitamins...should I take them all separately or a multi? Niacinamide is great but topically burns me. I just want to do everything you did am deathly use the same products so I know I'm doing it right. You mention high dose of Vit D and taking Vit A but can you be more specific in dosage and what you did/took each day that eliminated all the scarring and other issues. I have a list and want to order everything asap. I'd rather spend hundreds a month on this than $500+ on Accutane. Although it is vit A it scares me. And I'm still no thanks quite sure how it's working for people in low doses without my issue. It seems at low doses it forces the skin to repair itself and function again allowing the damage to be pushed off. Not sure I just know it's worked like a miracle for some. But yes any brands and any additional advice on dosage would be very welcomed. Did you have a daily intake chart? I know I kept one for my RA. Thanks again and I just bought the Holy basil starting with my anxiety first and foremost.


Replied by Janet (In) on 10/08/2018


At 35 my life was disintegrating, my health took the worst hit. A slow slide to the point where at 50 I was completely lost. I had no health.

I was under many Drs care, specialists too. I was increasing my prescriptions. Being given many for off label use. The mystery became deeper and deeper. I have an entire dresser of unusable, non working, bad reaction drugs.

My children were on the same grind. They were also mysteries. Tested and prescribed. All completely different issues and symptoms.

In hindsight I can dissect the entire mess to the causes. Although the Drs gave us diagnosis, and meds, the causes could be bundled under a few headings.

Mold, insididious monster, new buildings, old buildings, work, stores. Our apartment in a brand new building. Started up an entire lifetime of pure hell. When they finally listened, the landlord sent a workman. He loosened a tile in the bathroom, the entire wall poured out in a flood of liquefied drywall. There was no mold smell, black grout, greenish areas.

Yet, I had acne, my periods were awful. Everything about me, personality, health, thinking, skin. Every single thing was affected. I had facial hair that got courser and more extensive. Ultimately it was the catalyst to the health downfall of my life.

The precursors were hormonal manipulation. Birth control, the pill, the IUD. They set the stage. Mold drove the engine of destruction.

I knew nothing about killing mold. I followed the general guidelines that were in books and in the news. Bleach. It Does Not kill mold. So although my symptoms diminished to manageable. I really had no idea what was really going on.

Our lives moved us around, I had a few encounters and fixes for mold.

I then was staying in my Mom's basement while we bought our house out of state. Her husband sprayed Chlordane on the foundation. A banned pesticide. I got very sick. I was not myself. I was poisoned. I did not know that either. I thought I would pass it off. Mom had cancer within a year.

Our kids were vaccinated, and revaccinated when their records were lost in the move to another state. When Mom was treated for cancer, her Dr demanded vaccination for all of them myself and Grandmother.

They all got variations of the things they were vaccinated for. All of us adults got shingles. Even Mom, if you can imagine that on top of horrible chemo reactions.

We found mold in our addition to our house, flashing improperly installed. More ineffective bleaching. The usual contractors and cleaning companies.

The story continues in the same vein, all the while, we are just not healthy, some days are okay. Every day is a push. There is no joy. No humanity, everything is a job.

We had been slathering sun block on our family since the day it came on the market. Redheaded children. Every 20 minutes, their entire lives.

Levaquin, cipro family of antibiotics. So many suffer from the side effects from this injuring mess. Skin can be affected. There is no hard fast set of symptoms. Can be skin, tendons, organs, nerves. It can be 1 pill or a second prescription. Over time or instant problems.

The day everything changed was the day I forced myself to look one last time for a way to fix my husband's blood clot. It seemed deadly foolish to put him on blood thinners, rat poison. I at least knew that there could be no good to come of it.

I found Earth Clinic, it found me, really. No matter what I searched, Ted's remedies were always top of the list. I finally gave in and read them.

The miracle of fluoride removal, the healing of that first alkalinity drink. All of us began this journey.

This shortened and uncomplicated story is to let you see how lingering unknown issues can impact you or anyone can be under, in a lifetime of modern life.

So the list, the hidden things that destroy so many.

At 35, I suspect you have acquired your own unknown toxic load. Even though your skin is your struggle, the most apparent issue. Underlying things are the catalyst. I do not think you are on the same road I was. Extensive reading has led me to believe that here in the USA we are all under some of the same assaults.

You are my kids age. I see your issues as some of the same that we struggled to solve for them. The underlying problems that create the crazy unable to heal issues like you are experiencing today.

First and foremost, no fluoride. Zero.

Chlorine for you, would be a problem.

Clean your liver, if you have been on medication, vegetable fats, been exposed to heavy metals, vaccinated.

Improve your digestion, add enzymes and Amino's, good forms of b vitamins. Easiest way is liver or brewers yeast. Magnesium and some type of bulletproof with collagen. Alkalinity drinks.

When you begin to unpoison yourself, replace what your removing with minerals, good solid minerals. Do not leave room for more toxic assault.

Keep your body alkaline. 7.2 on a pocket alkalinity meter. It is the guide to healing.

Test for mold in your environment, insidious and deadly. Buy those Petrie dish tests. Set them by water sources, fireplaces, suspect windows.

Don't panic, take your holy basil, maybe add Ashwagandha one time a day. Stress is a health unwinder. Pharma has used it to get a whole lot of people on medications that further the problems, often deadening the emotions and doing nothing for the real culprit.

Balance your hormones. They drive your health, it seems harder in your fertile years to do. But again, stopping all fluoride they will begin to do it themselves. Removing the disruptors, plastics is key. Organic non GMO eating. Water, conventional farming, environmental toxins all are suspect. I bought all my food at our co op. It was the only clean food available at that time. Now Amazon and some grocers offer options. When those are in place you can think about taking extra balancing help.

Minerals, humic acid, the most helpful. Black Diamond 1qt. liquid humic. 1 or 2 oz a day in water. Magnesium, 250mg 2x a day, mag citrate for constipated types, mag malate for runny stool types. Basic mineral supplementation. Always capsules never pills.

Follow the elimination list.

Vitamin D, see Dr Holicks video on you tube. 10,000iu of vitamin D in coconut oil. In the morning, K2, magnesium. Slowly but surely bring your levels up.

Vitamin B1, thiamine. Follow Hormones Matter on Facebook or the blog. Search for all Dr Lonsdales articles, read them. B1, high calorie malnutrition. The absorption of your supplements and nutrients are very dependent on this.

Buy 2 oval buckets, soak you feet often in Epsom, borax. This enriches your body starting at the feet. Often supplemental magnesium gets used up in the gut and upper body. Enriching the lower body is prudent to keep those minerals rich from head to toe. Apply mag oil to feet before bed. Further enrichment.

Iodine painting with progesterone. Usually with an injury or reaction. Kidney bladder issues. Muscle pulls, whatever. I apply the two, 1 inch square of lugols 5% and a dollup, a fingertip of progesterone near the problem. It is not everyday. Just when I want to kick start the body to see the problem.

Castor oil, does this. It calls to the healing properties the body has to come and begin the healing. Which is why castor oil packs are so wonderful for so many things.

Vitamin A, that is a quandary. I drink carrot juice. With sea salt several times a week. Once you detoxify and begin to heal you might think of A as a supplement. There is an A and D supplement, common for years usually with only 400iu of d. I suspect that you need them together to effectively supplement the A. This is a guess on my part. That may be something you might try.

I am saying the same thing over. You can supplement all day everyday. It will not matter. You have to detoxify and eliminate the poisons. The reason for having to do this is, you need a clean slate, then re- build.

You can use some tools to topically build your skin. Hyaluronuc acid. Pure HA. In powder form is unbelievably expensive. The stores sell capsules that have other ingredients and additions. I use the powder. And make a serum. It only lasts about 48 hours and spoils. This is a challenge like everything supplemental. You have to search online sellers for the least amount of fillers. The safest is rice powder. Everything else is suspect. 3 to 600mg a day in capsules. Then mix up a days serum with your powder and keep in the frig. Start again the next day. Tedious. You can buy serums made for you. If your capsules are clean. Blend a few opened in spring water, strain into container using a cotton hanky. Use that.

B5, the pantethenol in glycerine. Mixed into your lotion. Sold by lotion makers. Messy but doable.

The msm cream you already know.

I consider all things an assault or injury. Chemo, skin treatments, supplements and sellers, health gurus, conventional farmers, most medications. Just another form of injury.

A book, it is already written. Deirdre, Ted and Bill all wrote it. I have all Earth Clinics books. But I am always having to buy new as I keep giving them away.

The book is Earth Clinic and its contributors. The video section a real education. Ted, Bill Thompson, Timh, Ole Robert Henry, KT, Mmsg, Mama to Many, Art, some that no longer contribute, but have left valuable information in their wake. The people that write asking for help giving us all an opportunity to learn and thrive.

I have used Teds chapters to teach myself. Reading rereading. Using the search feature to narrow down specifics and answer questions. Going back and forth from the main pages. Filling steno books of notes and educating myself. With Teds pages. The heading is seldom indicative of all the rich information that lies within. They may include historical inaccuracies Ted points out, where medicine today took a wrong turn. Seldom are they a one answer 1 problem. Which is where the subject search is so wonderful. Type in Ted Bangkok, vitamin A. You will find all he has written regarding this 1 aspect. You can pretty much figure it out from there. The same is true for other contributors and subjects.

As far as Accutane, please consider the lifelong destruction of this drug. Ted addresses this many times in his emails, below is one. Seriously consider this as poison and a life long problem.


REPLY   10      

Replied by Yola4 (Nj ) on 10/08/2018

I don't even know where to begin. My mind is shot and I'm spinning out of control. I am overwhelmed and feel like life is over. I have lost all hope in me. I have no control over the mold situation here because it's not my home and I have little faith in my ability to pick out supplements or even research anything because my brain can't think straight. I am like a baby who can't even make her own food...completely dependent on others to spoon feed her because she's incapable of doing anything herself right now. The mere task of getting a glass of water is daunting. Just breathing and surviving another day is a job itself. All I think about is peace...being at peace. I just want out...but yet have so much to live for. How could my life turn into such misery? Such isolation? No one cares. Not one person in my life cares if I'm even alive so why do I even bother? It's far more than skin although that is the most horrendous, scariest of all's my hair loss, my depression, my brain fog...beyond sadness. Emptiness. Just wanting to press rewind. Existing not living. I feel hopeless one day then hopeful the next. I just don't know what to do anymore. There's no clear cut answer that my brain can fathom. I thank everyone who has written on this thread. Thanks for sharing your story with me Janet.

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