Chronic meningitis and my wife cannot walk now need help

Posted By Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 11/04/2013

Hi Dave

I have chronic meningitis I got a couple years ago. It causes varying amounts of stiff neck and headache. What solutions do you have for that. I tried various natural anti-virals.


Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/05/2013

Hi Prioris,

On the viral meningitis the system that has worked numerous times is:

60 percent colloidal silver to 40 percent DMSO.

Make sure you see the videos on DMSO: Google, "Dr Jacobs 60 minutes DMSO"...a three part that made DMSO famous.

Now on the CS; I make my own. I make the clear solution which means you see no color in the water nor can you taste any metalic. In other words, the solution is diluted so much that one cannot detect the silver is present. That amount is about a 100 ppm mix. Here is how I test my own CS using "ME" as the guinea pig. At some time in a month I'll come down with something like a sinus infection or sore throat. If I use the CS on the infection, it will go away in seconds. Esp sore throat. On a sinus infection the application into the sinus cavity will cause a stinging sensation especially on the dominately infected side. And then I'll experience draining of the sinus cavity, more profound after the second application ten minutes later. I'm explaining how to KNOW the CS you have is effective. Lots of CS products on the market aren't effective.

If I had what was a highly suspected viral meningitis infection I would use the mix as described above; I might use less DMSO if the 40 percent caused stinging on the skin. There's no magic amount and I have used lesser percentages.

I've used the same idea as an application for shingles (but added cayenne pepper with natural Vit E) and applied as a salve to the eruptions...let dry, and reapply next day. Shingles gone.

I've used the same idea as an application for Bells Palsey. The virus runs up the side of the face ususally from a microscopic canal in the mouth to nerve. My Bells vanished in 15 minutes. Viruses love nerves.

Also (speaking of nerves) use on MS. MS is complicated because the nerve sheath is attacked by a combo virus in conjunction with a heavy metal, usually mercury. I have posts on EC on that protocol too.

Not that I'm claiming to be a big "know it all" ...(just the opposite; I'm very simplistic and pragmatic) it's just that CS plus DMSO has MANY applications. I just take the simple idea; CS kills, I have to get it to the affected problem area and if I can't get it there by direct application (gargle/ sniff into sinus, squirt into ear canals) then I use a carrier and the best is DMSO. Except you stink to high heaven for a day or so. That's a small price to pay for getting a CURE.

Here's how I apply: I take a white paper towel and dip into CS/DMSO mixture and barely squeeze out. I let the paper towel be almost dripping. Then I apply to back of neck as a poultice. Ten minutes.

I reapply a new mix two days later. And I repeat two days later for two weeks.

I keep a log of headaches, reduction in nausea, balance etc to know empirically if the application is working. After all, I am surmising the problem is viral...right? So if it is not viral/fungal/bacterial but rather another cause it does no good to keep on chasing rabbits if they "ain't no rabbits" to chase.

And a log detailing the progress is essential to determine the cause. If the use of the CS works; well, then that tells us a lot about the cause!!!



Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/06/2013

Dave, would you use CS on a basal cell epithelioma (less severe than a carcinoma)?

Replied by Panicos (Cyprus) on 11/06/2013

Thanks Dave.I will collect all the information people so kindly suggested and follow up.

Thanks ever ao much. God bless you all.


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