Children With Black Mold Symptoms

Posted By Sara F. (Ontario, Canada) on 06/05/2022

Hi there. I'm starting to do some research on products that supplement health, particularly because we found black mold in the house. I have two small children that have been suffering with symptoms for three months. I was trying many remedies because I thought they had just caught a virus, but nothing has made them better.

I've been working closely with a naturopath and they're on a homeopathic specifically for mold. But they're still super congested with a slight cough and snoring at night. The mold has been remedied, we have purchased HEPA filter units for each room and I'm just trying to figure out if there's anything else I can do for them.

I've come across sodium chlorite and borax. Is there any safe amount for children? Do you have any recommendations? My daughters are 4.5 and 9 months.


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Replied by Madelyn (Idaho) on 06/06/2022

Borax is extremely safe. If adult women take 1/8 teaspoon per day as a standard dose, then you could weigh that amount. Then adjust the dose according to the body weight of your daughters. Let us know if you need help with the weight. I have a scale and can weigh it for you.

Specifically for mold, a friend shared that Alpha Lipoic Acid healed their bodies after mold exposure. They had been sick, and remained unwell, even after moving from the moldy house. It wasn't until they took alpha lipoic acid that they became well again. So I would definitely look into giving that supplement as well.
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