Cant resolve laryngopharyngeal reflux

Posted By Zachsmthsn (Tuscaloosa, Al, United States) on 06/18/2012

I recently was diagnosed with LPR. This was done after about a year of going to various doctors trying to figure out the source of my ailments. I first went to a GI because nausea seemed to be an issue. The thing was, it wasn't normal nausea. I never actually threw up, I just felt like I would and it got worse with nerves and when I was in a place where I didn't have the ability to leave, like sitting in class or a meeting or something. That being said, it wasn't every nervous situation, and only sometimes occured when sitting in class. Not talking maybe makes it worse. This meant it really interrupted my life and was very weird to pinpoint. It of course was associated with a tightness in the throat and sometimes even a weird hot/cold feeling. It always seemed to be associated with a terrible feeling of anxiousness too, which is weird because I'm a pretty happy, calm person and I have good study habits, I get 8-10 hrs of sleep each night, I workout 4 days a week (more bodybuilding style than actually for health, but still good), I eat very healthy (lower carb, higher fat, with a lean protein source; 5-6 meals a day), and I don't drink smoke or do any drugs at all. That's really the most annoying part, that I do everything I can in order to be healthy and can't fight this issue. Anyway...

The GI did an endoscope and said I was perfectly healthy. Mild reflux, he said but not above normal levels and he took me off the prilosec he had prescribed. Said it was most likely just nerves and tried to prescribe anti-anxiety meds. Then I went to a GP to see his thoughts... Worthless, just through meds at me. (Note: I never took any of the ant-anxiety because I don't want to mess with hormone levels unless I have to) Then I went to a good Internist in town because the problem then seemed to be more centered around the throat. I'm still looking for a root cause. Someone tole me of hyperthyroidism and I jus tknew that was it! So I got a sonogram and it came back to be perfectly normal. The Internist also did full bloodwork and checked my heart. Not only did I show no signs of bad, he said I was absolutely 100% healthy. That on paper I am the perfect picture of health (I'm about 6'0 175 with nice muscle development). This is really the most frustrating part. Going to doctors and having nothing wrong with me.

So a week and a half ago I went to a good ENT and he did the fiber optic cable down my noose and said it was LPR. Honestly, my symptoms seemed to be more like hyperthyroidism, but the tightness and everything could definitely be a root cause and be causing my anxiety. No one likes to feel like they're choking.

So from everyone's experience here, what should I try to help. I am going to try the baking soda and ACV tonight and see if that helps, but from every other thing I've tried nothing seems to be an instant fix for my throat swelling, usually just laying down with my eyes closed. It is interupting my life quite a bit, and I do not want to be dealing with this next year, because I am going to have a lot of interviews through my senior year and those sometimes are the worst things for triggering this.


Replied by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 06/18/2012

This sounds like anxiety or panic attacks with possible agoraphobia mixed in. I know exactly what you are talking about. For many years I took 50 mg of Benedryl daily which would calm my stomach and let me get through each day. I have no understanding how it started or finally ended, but I think when I had children and my attention was on them instead of myself, I started to get better. Even today, riding in someone else's car on a fairly long trip can suddenly bring it on because I think I can't leave without spoiling the other person's trip. Sometimes sitting down with people at dinner can bring it on because there is no way to leave without everyone noticing and having to stay at someone's house overnight is very difficult because at the end of the day I am tired and I feel people will notice if I don't feel well and have to stay until morning or later. Sounds weird, I know, maybe too self conscious, but panic attacks or agoraphobia seems to fit the bill. Yoga, breathing exercises and meditation may be helpful. Good luck! It will get better. Benedryl helps a lot with the nausea.

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