Cant find anything about huntingtons disease

Posted By Sarah (LA, CA) on 06/15/2009

Hey, Ted- I have been searching forever and LOVE your input on the site, but can't find anything about Huntington's Disease...?? I have a close friend who just got diagnosed, and is really sad b/c he's newly married and just had a baby... this disease runs into his family and he has watched it totally take over his mother she is totally demented now... is very depressing for him to see that as his fate. What do you know about the disease, it's cause, and is there any alternative treatment? thanks a lot! Would love to know what your day job is! You're the best... am sending you a donation through Earthclinic!!

Replied by Katy (Providence, Ri) on 10/01/2010

Does EC or friends have any advise/help for Huntington's Disease? Anything would be greatly appreciated.

Replied by Misha13 (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/13/2010

My father has had this illness for over 15 years. His condition has worsened he is now 51 and in a nursing home. I have been looking into oxygen therapy... Look it up it may be helpful in slowing progress and symptoms.

Replied by Bill (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 04/15/2012

It's a genetic disease that also runs in my family. It has claimed several uncles and aunts on my fathers side, and most recently one cousin with another in extended care and not much longer to live. It was one of the first genetic maladies found through gene mapping. Unfortunately a cure appears to be years away, and appears to rest with stem cell research. More info can be found at The Huntington's Society website.

Replied by Rebecca (British Columbia) on 11/06/2014

Have you looked into the paleo diet.. I have been checking out sites for a friend who was just diagnosed. The info about the paleo diet sounds good. Can't hurt

Replied by Rebecca (British Columbia, CA) on 11/06/2014

Have you looked into the paleo diet..

I have been checking out for a friend who was just diagnosed. The info about the paleo diet sounds good. Can't hurt.


Replied by Korrin (Langley, Canada) on 01/24/2016

A reply to those in Huntington's disease category. Try looking up Hulda Clark's parasite cleanse, after reading her book I faithfully believe if parasites don't cause every illness they definitely exaggerate them until nothingness. That cleanse is truly amazing and worked on 1000's of peoples diseases and so forth. If that doesnt work and you will do anything research mms and Jim Humble that will work but you must research you self. (wikipedia is completely irrelivant when you're doing your research for this)

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