Can I Do Bill Thompson's Candida Diet Protocol With High TPO?

Posted By Leah (Dublin) on 07/22/2023

High TPO, normal thyroid levels, low iodine in urine, high oxalates few years back

Hi Bill,

Could I do your Candida diet protocol if I have high thyroglobulin antibodies? My thyroid levels were normal, and my iodine was very low. My GP told me that I shouldn't worry because my thyroid levels are normal and that I am maybe drinking too much water so it was flushed, so I didn't think much of it for some time. However, since I want to get pregnant, I wanted to do a detox and properly prepare my body. I started doing more research and what I came across is that my iodine being so low, I probably won't even be able to get pregnant and what shocked me is that people were taking much higher doses of iodine, for which I never was told or heard before. What I also came across is that it is not recommended to increase or even take iodine supplement as it can become toxic for the thyroid due to high TPO..

Few years back, I've done organic acid's test and my oxalates were also really high. I was on a low oxalate diet for about 6 months. I didn't retest as my nutritionist at a time said it won't be necessary, as these tests are very expensive and nothing covered by med insurance. So, I would appreciate some guidance on which test to redo? I spent a lot of money on my nutritionist which ended up being a fail, as I am more confused now than I was before.

Some of the things that are bothering me are brain fog, being tired almost all the time, acid reflux, burning sensation under my right rib cage, my gut has never been proper, always some issues, getting bloated, and my weight is going up and down. I was also very deficient in Zinc, for which I am taking supplement now. Also, since I got the vaccine for covid, I have been experiencing odd feeling in my head and specifically jaw. I get these odd tremors, like my jaw is exhausted, and sometimes it feels like somebody is pressing my head and my teeth hurt as well. I am going regularly to my dentist and he couldn't find anything wrong. Even got my wisdom teeth out but it didn't help. I only have white fillings, I have removed the amalgam ones cca 10 years ago. I thought it might be stress, but it happens even over the weekends or holidays. That is the reason I wanted to do this protocol to flush who knows what was injected in me, but am mostly afraid that I might damage my thyroid by taking such high doses of iodine.

Thanks for any help you could share.

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