Can Vaginal Atrophy Cause Vaginal Itching?

Posted By Wildcat_rain (Louisville, Ky) on 07/21/2015

I am a 54 year old woman. I have no medical conditions except some acid reflux that I control with ACV and an OTC Zantac.

Approximately 10 days ago, I awakened with a funny feeling "down there." I have been with the same partner for 4 years and my marriage prior to that was a 18 year monogamous one.

I have suffered with vaginal atrophy. Really my only problem ever in that part of my body in my life except for maybe one yeast infection. I treated the VA with estriol suppositoris. Worked wonderfully.

When this recent problem started I assumed it was the same thing....though it was not precipitated by intercourse as it was in the past. I had a couple of estriol suppositories on hand and used them. Things seemed to improve but I certainly wasn't 100%.

A week after the onset of symptoms, the itching started. I switched my thinking to a yeast infection. Even though there has been zero discharge. Antifungals gave relief but then burning with urination started. I had convinced myself I have Herpes until I did a little visual examination today. Luckily I could not see any blisters or sores.

So I'm floundering in my own thoughts and need some outside input from a community that I value tremendously.

Can vaginal atrophy cause itching? Can a UTI cause itching? The itching is throwing me off because I have never experienced that symptom with either of these conditions.

Im assuming the lack of discharge rules out a yeast infection?

Thanks in advance!


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