Can sjogrens be cured

Posted By Graeme (Winnipeg, Manitoba ) on 05/14/2012

Can sjogrens be cured or are we who have the disease faced to die a horrible death. Is there anything to bring back the moisture?

Replied by Christina (FL, US) on 08/12/2014

Sjogren's can be cured, yes, I've done it, well, put it in remission. I've gotten off all grains per the paleo protocol, and I feel a whole lot better... Some have gone raw. Look at Venus Williams, she's still playing tennis, she didn't say she's having a 'walk in the park', but she's eating raw and feeling better! Suggests the wheatgrass juice as well. Read the suggestions on here. I gave up wheat, and all nightshades but potatoes, incredible improvement!

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