Burning pain from hemorrhoid

Posted By Lisa (Toronto, Ca) on 02/25/2015

Hi, Pls help!! I have the worst burning pain from a hemorrhoid. I have used otc, prescription and just tried Apple cider vinegar.. The burning is unbearable.. I couldn't go to work today. What can I use to stop the pain and burning.... Plsssss

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 02/25/2015

Hi, Lisa, in my experience, I used multiple remedies but no cure.

What helps tremendously is immersion in cold water after each visit to the loo for at least two minutes. Things to use are sitz bath from Amazon at 16 bucks, roomy bucket in the bath tub or just enough water in the tub to cover the privates. The cool water is toning and healing quite rapidly.

Any pain disappears fast. No need to apply anything but VCO coconut oil is good. This is totally free of expenses, therefore not much talked about. Make sure to dab dry, or dry in the warm bathroom naturally if touch is painful. You'll be as good as new.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Ana (Canada) on 02/25/2015

Try coconut oil.

Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 02/25/2015

You might try over the counter vaginal fungal creams on the piles, sometimes the rectal flora (candida )makes the pain worse. Take a pain reliever to get initial nerve pain under control to stop pain messages while the cream takes affect. The spincter muscle needs magnesium to function properly . Espon salt soak might help . Baking soda can quiet things down as a soak.

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