Breast Cancer Remission, Return/calcium Concerns

Posted By Jennifer (Tucson, Az) on 02/19/2012

I just found EC recently and am in awe at all the helpful information here. I was in search of help for what was turning out to be a sinus infection and learned about oil pulling and ACV and flax tea for cough! Thank you!

My concern is for my mother in law. She just finished Chemo for breast cancer, had a radical mastectomy, which they said the cancer did not get into her lymphnodes. She was told that she needs to take estrogen blockers that will deplete her calcium over time and this worries me. She also opted OUT of doing radiation. She is in 71 and otherwise 'healthy as a horse' as the doctors put it. Is there anything I can help her with as far as keeping the cancer at bay? Maybe specific prevention measures for the rest of us? I'm also concerned about her calcium. Any info you can provide will be extremely helpful!!! Thanks!


Replied by Deborah (Chino Valley, Az) on 02/19/2012

Hi Jennifer, Would she be open to Essiac tea? This literally was a lifesaver for my 70-year old parent this past year. Important to get the best formula you can for effectiveness. Not all producers create a high-quality product. We used the tea available from, but you may be able to find this or a similarly good product elsewhere.

My parent had to take this tea 2 - 3 x per day for just over 3 months for a full effect, but my goodness, there is no doubt in my mind it saved her life. She was not willing to do any sort of involved protocol, make big diet changes or the like, so we went with the simplest option and one of the most potent. Thankfully, it worked and I'm grateful. She will now continue to take it 3 x year for 2 months to stay in remission, and hopefully make a few other lifestyle changes along the way as well.

Best wishes to you and your mother-in-law, many blessings to you both.


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