Boil on nether region

Posted By Mantics (Westchester, United States) on 10/13/2011

I have a boil on my nether regions... Sucks I know! Since garlic really helped with the ones in my armpit, it was my first choice... Bad choice! It burned the skin off the top of it and I've been trying to get it to heal for at least 3 days now and its not getting any better. I think that might be because the boil is still there so the skin wont heal. I've been putting turmeric mixed with baking soda, vitamin e oil, honey into a paste and putting a bandaid over it. Every morning it's just slimy like new skin isn't forming.

So, it's slimy and sore on top and a hard boil under it. I've also been doing the hot compress to try and bring it out but not working either. Should I concentrate on draining the boil first and then healing the skin? Or the other way around? And how?! Thanks for your time.


Replied by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 10/13/2011

It sounds like you should definately let it breath a little. Slimy is not a good thing when it comes to bacterial infections. I am not sure where or how you can let it breath. But I would leave it uncovered for at least a few hours to an entire day. While you are letting it air out you should try drinking a "turmeric tea" with a teaspoon or two in hot water and drink with honey if you prefer. Then starting tomorrow put a paste of just a little castor oil and turmeric. I think less is more when it comes to such a sensitive area. You could also try a poultice instead of a paste which will keep it dry. Take a paper towel or cotton medical pad and put a few pinches of turmeric (if you have activated charcoal you can add a capsule or two to the poltice) and a little water or aloe in it to make the turmeric damp but not runny. Fold the towel into a little packet and tape it over the boil under your clothing. If you have a heating pad or heated rice bag place it on top of your clothing to heat up the area. This should draw the toxins out and also infuse the boil with turmeric.

Replied by Goldtopsam (Arlington, Texas) on 10/13/2011

Although your intentions for natural healing are well meant, it sounds as though you are making it infected by applying herbs to damaged skin. Sounds like medical intervention is needed in your case. You really don't want to mess with an infection down there. Now, when you say nether regions, I don't know if it is on the head, the shaft, the scrotum or on the inside of one of the thighs, but at any rate if it is on any part of the genitals you want a doctor looking at that or you could cause a severe infection and damage and scarring to very sensitive tissue, possibly causing a recurring infection. Pack the goods up in some loose fitting boxers get on some loose fitting pants or shorts and get yourself over to an M. D. asap.

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/13/2011

Mantics, iodine (lugols) on the boil will enter through the skin and kill the bacteria. If it burns add some vitamin E oil as well). Iodine will kill most bacteria on contact.

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