Are Blackstrap Molasses and Birth Control Pills Compatible?

Posted By Irene (Toronto) on 04/29/2016

I am 46 years old and have heavy periods for approximately 5 years. Went to the doctor, and I have Iron deficiency anemia. I had a polyp removed to help lighten my menstrual cycle. However my period is starting to become heavy again. Had an ultrasound, and found that I had five fibroids or polyps, I'm still waiting for a follow-up with the doctor to know the details though. The doctor suggested a low hormone birth control pill called Lolo. I have been using molasses and it is helping. Is it OK to be using both birth control pill and molasses? Since one is a natural ingredient it should not contraindicate each other.

Replied by Sylvia (Millersville) on 04/29/2016

Probably are not incompatible but I would look for another solution than birth control pills. Those have some pretty serious side effects. Lots of people use apple cider vinegar for heavy menstrual bleeding. And castor oil packs to get rid of the polyps.

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