Black Mold May Be Causing Health Issues, Not Sure What to Do

Posted By Kimberly (Enterprise, Alabama) on 12/26/2016

I am having alot of issues even since me and my family moved in this house for rent. I've had rashes, itching red dots on bottom my feet an don other places too. My kids been getting red like bites too. I now have black mold under my toe nail help me idk what to do..,

Replied by Harry (Los Angeles) on 01/08/2017

Wow, Kimberly. Sounds like you may be dealing with mold and chiggers. I know that the chiggers (or whatever is causing the red bumps) is a huge pain in the you-know-what, but it's manageable. The mold is not. If you conclude that your house has mold, the most important thing is to get out of it ASAP.

You may be able to temporarily limit health damage from mold and hold it back (and function) with food grade hydrogen peroxide (at 3%) by using it in every way imaginable -- including inhaling it (per long-time Earth Clinic contributor Bill Munro) and everywhere else (in your nose, your ears, in your eyes (90% diluted), etc.). However, there's no living with mold without paying a severe price down the road.

As for the chiggers (or bed bugs or fleas), the first remedy I'd think about would be Borax. I'd sprinkle it around liberally throughout my space -- on the floors, in my shoes, in my bed, and pretty much everywhere else I thought it even possible that the offenders might either be or may have been and left eggs (and leave it there until I'm confident that the pests are gone). And I'd use it regularly in my laundry and even to wash myself with. As I recall, it's also a highly regarded remedy, both topically and (believe it or not) taken internally, for nail and other fungus. In fact, I understand that it's one of the best fungicides (when used internally and externally) that there is. Check out Earth Clinic posts on Borax and two of Dr. Walter Last's pieces "The Borax Conspiracy" and "The Ultimate Microbial Cleanse":

However, again, if you believe there's mold where you're living, I strongly recommend getting out of that space ASAP -- while carefully washing all of your clothes and bed linen and towels, etc., treating your shoes, and doing everything else possible to not bring the chiggers and/or other pests along with you.

P.S. For a sense of the seriousness and magnitude of the mold issue, I recommend that you check out a couple of Dr. Charmaine Trimm's videos on YouTube.


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