Big tumor in right breast detected

Posted By Aphrodite (Scotland) on 04/20/2014


I have a big tumor in my right breast (first detected as 2cm in 2011) now it is around 7cm and has not gone to the lymphs. I have historic of MS as well which managed to heal completely alternatively. I do a lot of alternative healing now as well with several methods and I feel fine. My problem is that the tumor has come very close to the skin and I AM frightened that it might break through it. Is there anything I can do to prevent this ?

Please let me know - I really do not think the mastectomy as an option and I wish to avoid all the other "inhumane so called therapies like chemo-therapy radiation tamoxifen or whatever" I truly believe that all these kind of things send people straight forward to their grave.

If there is anything you can suggest to me please let me know. Thank you very much for your help

Kind Regards, Aphrodite


Replied by Jacek (Poland) on 04/20/2014

Hi, you should definately try ozone therapy, Ted recommended it on many occasions, as well as using rife machines, both are extremely effective against all kinds of cancer.

Here is more on ozone from James Sloane, he has been working in this field for more than 20 years and is extremely knowledgeable guy in general:


Replied by Timh (Ky) on 04/21/2014

Also, as for oxygen therapy, I would recommend DMSO topically directly over affected area, and MSM orally to boost detox and oxygenation of cells. Topical Cod Live Oil rotated w/ Vit-E oil will help. A strong magnet applied directly will reduce inflammation and acidosis (cancer thrives in acidic environment) and promote healing. Epsom Salts warm, wet, cloth applied topically will help.

Replied by Carly (Pnw, Usa) on 04/20/2014

Hi, Please check out

best wishes.


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/21/2014

Hi Aphrodite...I would start to supplement higher dose lugol's iodine or Iodoral(50 mgs per day) for your breast tumour problem as advised here:

The Iodine Protocol with Companion Nutrients

Guidelines for Supplementing Lugol's Iodine

Some evidence for Iodine's action against breast cancer and other cancers is shown here:

Iodine Treats Breast Cancer, Overwhelming Evidence

Since your cyst is so close to the skin surface you could perhaps also use lugol's iodine and DMSO(Dimethylsulfoxide) in combination as a topical remedy as well. DMSO transdermally transports the iodine into the breast in larger amounts where it will act more directly on the cancer tumor itself to eliminate it. Use one teaspoon of lugol's iodine and mix together with one teaspoon of 99% DMSO. Then apply this solution to the breast above the area of the cyst(avoiding the nipple). After this application has dried and been absorbed, gently apply aloe vera oil over the area to avoid any itchiness or soreness arising on the skin. Apply this DMSO/lugol's iodine mixture topically every day.

You can also find and order both lugol's iodine and 99% DMSO easily online from and from other UK websites like You might also be able to find them at a pet shop or at a vet since both DMSO and Lugol's Iodine are widely used for medical problems in animals in UK and Scotland.

You should also eat a low fat diet and avoid all dairy products. Excess calcium and fat in the diet tends to inhibit iodine absorption and also tends to encourage cyst formation in the body.

I would also advise that you should alkalize your body everyday using the alkalizing formulas from Ted from Bangkok that are all shown here on EC. The Bicarbonate + water(once a day in the evening) and either the lime/lemon + water + bicarb(twice a day) or the ACV + water + bicarb(twice a day) are good ones to use. These alkalizing remedies create a bad environment for cancer and should also help you in this respect.

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