Daughter Needs Remedies for Picker's Nodules (Pruigo Nodularis)

Posted By Melissa (Wv) on 02/08/2017

In need of help! My 7 year old daughter (after 3 years) has been diagnosed with Picker's Nodules. Its mainly on her little arms and legs..... And she has a severe case.... The doctor has prescribed steroid creams to her for the past 3 years and NONE of them seem to be doing her any good..... So with that being said is there anything NATURAL I can put on her skin that has low to no side effects that will help relieve the itch and heal these sores???..... They are extremely itchy to her..... She even itches them in her sleep...... PLEASE HELP! Thank you.....

A concerned mother 😟

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/09/2017

Melissa, I've found coconut oil to relieve any sort of itching. I use the oil that actually smells like coconut.
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Replied by Kt (Usa) on 02/09/2017

Dear Melissa, I am not a doctor but am an elderly mother. I think healing from the inside would be more beneficial than using topical ointments. There is no room here to back up an explanation of what I will share but it is based on what I have learned for over the past two decades.

She could be deficient in magnesium. It's only a guess. My husband gets intense itching when he eats too many carbohydrates and I failed to get him to take magnesium because he ate and left for work before I got up. I use a powdered magnesium and also tabs by NatureMade that I had been advised were safe. I would suggest trying to get her off most carbohydrates, (i.e., dry cereals and breads). Let whole oats soak overnight (I get the generic store brand of old fashioned oats), drain that water in the morning and add fresh water make oatmeal. I make half the suggested serving...using 1/4 C instead of 1/2 C. I add a well cooked carrot and an egg to my oatmeal before cooking. I only use 2% milk in glass bottles and sweeten with BSM (blackstrap molasses) I'd alternate this with breakfast of scrambled eggs and carrots. Cooking carrots (not organic) until tender then folding in scrambled eggs. She needs vitamin A for tissue repair and the protein for rebuilding. Cooking green beans or broccoli until tender will allow better absorption of nutrients. Vitamin C would also help.

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