Bad eczema flareup and then hives

Posted By Maxim (Dallas, TX) on 01/09/2015

Hi Ted,

First off, thank you for your advice and helping the community!

I'm having bad eczema break up. I tried ACV, ACV + Baking soda, Baking soda for a week. But in the last 2-3 days I got hives all over the body, original eczema spots have dried a bit though and no itch on those spots.

I was so inspired after reading ACV stories. Wonder why it is not working for me. In fact hives started after ACV+Baking soda intake. Wonder if it is part of the purging process?

I was about to do carbicarb. But stopped because of hives are becoming unbearable.

Finally I went to a doctor and he prescribed oral steroids (much to my disappointment).

I'm on healthy diet for about a year now. My includes healthy food - green smoothies, low carb, alkaline/lime water. But I was unable to get rid of eczema. It was on and of itchy and dormant.

Don't know what triggers my eczema. I'd really appreciate anything you might suggest. I'm 47 year male, in good physical shape.

I was so inspired after reading your advice and ACV stories. Wonder why it is not working for me. In fact hives started after ACV+Baking soda intake. Wonder if it is part of the purging process? But I'm too scared to continue with ACV/carb.

Also tried to look up holistic practitioner in Dallas area but none came. Please let me know if there are any in the area.

Thanks in advance!


Replied by Debbiefudge (East Sussex) on 01/10/2015

Some things work for some and not others.

I have a form of eczema that causes pus filled blisters. Tried everything from the Dermatologist.

What worked for me was Distilled white vinegar. Use twice a day. Dab it on and allow to dry, before you get dressed and before bed.

I also use coal tar soap in the shower. It's completely cleared up.


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