Asking for help w remedies and morgellons

Posted By Willy (Los Angeles, California, Usa) on 06/20/2011

Dear sir

I trying ask for help and nobody answer me. i have morgellons, and I need a correct instruction in how use borax, baking soda and apple cider vinegar. is what I want to use because I thing is more safe, and have tons of text saying that helped a lot of people from many deseases. i use also vitamin d 3, carson e3 life and sun chlorela.

i try to cal ted but he dont answer me. why this site dont work for me?

guilherme 2135900524

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Replied by Cjuan (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 06/25/2011

Hi Willy

sorry to hear about your woes. Go to Jim Humble's website at and there you can get plenty of info on MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement, aka Purification Drops). I have yet to come anyone using MMS for Morgellons but it is really worth a try. MMS has been used successfully - and it's cheap too as one bottle can last a year - for lyme disease. You can write to Jim and ask for the best protocol to use. You're likely to use Protocol 2000 or 3000 due to the severity of the disease. Try to get your MMS and citric acid from Mineral Solutions at the URL below - more troublesome at Project Green Life. Wish you every success in your quest for healing. Do keep your hopes flying sky high, OK! Cjuan.

Note: you can opt for colloidal silver, or the more recently improved molecular silver or ionic silver or even combine it with MMS. You can get your colloidal silver at - superfast shipping and very low rates too. The colloidal silver I've ordered from them is Silver Wings product. And if you quote my ID which is Xer-154, you can get a US5 discount on your order!

Other link:


Replied by Grace (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 07/10/2011

Just seconding the reply on MMS. It's working very well for me, though it's not 100% perfect. It's pretty easy to take. I put the solution in a vitamin capsule for internal use; and use it as a body wash also.

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Replied by Mary (Saskatchewan) on 05/30/2014

Grace what is MMS helping you with? Are you using it for mites or morgellons?

Replied by Loretta (Youngstown, Ohio) on 02/07/2017

You probably have a fungus infection and probably fungus infestation in your home. See a dermatologist and if you have fungus, then you will need to cleaning your entire home with antimicrobial disinfectant. Walls, floors, carpet, rugs, clothing and accessories and more.

Replied by Andrea (Channahon Il) on 09/30/2020

I have morgellons....I use glutathione nac...glutamine...alpha lipoic acid msm..

Carprylic acid oregano oil..vitaminD3..baking soda baths and Debriding soap from Charles Holman association for morgellons...My eruptions are few...I dont itch..if I did I wouldn't itch them I would bathe in essential oils baking soda and Epsom salts..I dry brush my body from my feet brushing up to my flushes the lymph system..Dont pick your lesions...ever ..even if something is in your will eventually fall off itself.and if you do pick you will get bright red scars..I take olazapine for the brain..
I stopped taking it for a month..sores came I am back on it 10 mg.1 a day..

I hope my regimen helps someone...ty

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