Asking for help for chronic inflammation

Posted By Andres (Tucson, Az) on 12/31/2009

Chronic Inflammation

Ever since I was real young I've had many inflammatory-related issues. Allergy sensitivity tests would show a reaction to most foods/elements. Now that I'm 27 my symptoms have improved through a healthier diet, but some symptoms still linger such as constipation, fatigue, brain fog, hair loss, and general dryness.

I've been looking for posts on this site for recommendations but it's hard to pinpoint causes since my symptoms cross over spectrums of autoimmune, metabolic, and intestinal disorders. Some of the remedies on this site (acv, coconut oil, etc) have very little to no results. I've spent so much of my life treating symptoms individually, but ever since I learned of my predisposition to inflammation, I feel like I'm getting closer to treating the cause. The question is, how?

It would be much appreciated if someone more knowledgeable can point me in the right direction.


Replied by Ravi S (Dallas, Texas, United States) on 01/01/2010

Looks like your symptoms are similar to mine. I am a self diagnosed Celiac. Please try strict Gluten free diet. You could add flax seed powder and rice bran for fiber. Turmeric(bulk from Indian store) in your cooking would work wonders. Honey and Black strap molasses does marvels. I am a total vegetarian since birth, by the way.

Replied by Bunny (Santa Ana, California) on 01/01/2010

You are describing the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism. Blood tests aren't very accurate-the conventional range for normal is too broad. Track down diractions for doing a basal body temp test. If it is low you need to take care of your thyroid. Chlorine and flouride both supress thyroid function, and you will need to look into taking iodine-at least 3-6 mg. a day(it's safe to about 40mg)-as well as other supporting supplements. If it is very bad, you may need to take Armour or Naturthroid. Try to avoid synthroid. You also need to start taking HCl with pepsin and a general digestive enzyme. Any health food store has them.

Replied by Kathryn (Brevard, Nc) on 05/05/2016

For the record, I am currently taking 150 mgs. of Iodoral (iodine) plus all the recommended supplements that go with it. All my symptoms of thyroid have gotten so much better, especially the brain fog and fatigue. I am sleeping much better as well. So, iodine is safe way beyond 40 mgs.

Replied by Kathy (Bay Shore, New York) on 02/04/2013

You sound like me, it does sound like thyroid. I have a high Reverse T3. I take T3 only meds.

Replied by Anonymouscat (La, Ca) on 02/20/2013

Our ND suggested eliminating dairy from the diet may very well eliminates back pain altogether. We never eat sweets but one day we were out and had three desserts by the evening my entire lower back was inflammed with pain radiating up to my skull I was sick the entire night. Woke up drank ACV to try to eliminate the toxic effects of white flour and sugar. Went to the dr and she to do yoga back stretches and if that does not work they would order images to see if there is a herniated disc.

Replied by Anonymous (La, Ca) on 05/12/2013

Inflammation can be caused by so many things. I had blurred vision, low back inflammation, tiredness, dizziness, etc... I had hypothyroidism I was sure... but according to two MD'S my thyroid was fine I was in the range and that was that. I saw an ND, he took one look at the test and said your thyroid is on verge of being low so let's take care of it and see how you feel. I take 10 drop HTHY thyroid drops, and Hawthorne solid extract daily. I also take 1-2 drops Lugols. Iodoral is another thing that we discussed which is comparable to that of the Japanese iodine rich diet. I believe you take 1-4 tablets daily if you take this it is good be monitored so you know where your at. I've read that the salivia test is the best test for thyroid not the blood test.

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