Are there treatments for autoimmune diseases

Posted By D.O. on 03/15/2009

HI, I found your site yesterday by accident. ( if you believe there are accidents ) anyway I was disappointed when I didn't find anything on Auto Immune Disease . My 43 year old daughter has it and her blood levels are very high that relate to that problem. Can you please tell me what she can do to get better besides organic food and lots of water. She has had it several years but didn't want to worry me with it especially since she knew I would be out for a cure with natural medicine. She isn't on any medicine
of any kind at this time.

I would appreciate any help you and your readers could give me.

Thanks very much,

D. O."

We emailed D.O. asking what kind of autoimmune disease her daughter has...

03/15/2009: D. O. replies, "Thanks for answering so quickly. I don't know what kind she has. She has no symptoms that I know of except she has a form of acne on her face and arms that could be caused by the disease. She doesn't discuss it with me very much. The Dr found it on a blood test for her thyroid. Her throid blood values were excellent. It was two other parts of the thyroid test that was very high, one more so than the other.


Replied by Rosy (Orlando, Fl) on 03/16/2009

I would suggest looking into the GAPS Diet. I know that some autoimmune responses could be from food allergies. Maybe she has celiac, or a bad soy allergy. Also look into making sure she is eating enough fat, like coconut oil, and grass feed butter. Sometimes the body does wacky things to get you to nitice that it isn't being feed right.

Replied by Dr Johnathon Nd (Goa, India) on 08/18/2009

There is a lot of info on earthclinic for autoimmune diseases, for a list of diseases that come under this broad heading Then look up each ailment and start trying some of the remedies.

A multi approach is required. Eg. Decrease cytokines(acupuncture), heavy metal detox(ETDA,cilantro & oral chelation), omega 3, Alph lipoic acid, Coconut oil, NAC, Vitamin D, Herbs such as ginger, boswellia, shilijit, Green tea etc., yoga/tai chi, meditation and self hypnosis, Eliminate Candida fungus and other lingering infections in the body that attack the immune system. Food allergies must also be looked at! Having a heading "Autoimmune Disease Remedies" is like having a heading "Disease Remedies" its very broad. So the treatment must be also!


Replied by Dorie (Sterling Heights, Michigan) on 06/22/2010

Hello. I have been dealing with RA since 2000-2001, 2004 fianally being diag. with RA. Was presribed Methotrexate, Motrin, predisone, methotrexate hurt worse, had mornings could not get out of bed, stopped that, continued with poredisone and motrin for about 3 years. stopped taking all presription drugs in May of 2007, Sept. of 2007 started taking fishoil pills with O-Mega 3 and 6 (works well for blood levels), felt a difference within a week, (during the worse party of the year for me, reseaerching myself I found cherry extract tablets work for pain and swelling. have been doing this for 3 years now, and feel great to present day, Have not had one morning of stiffness since. I also take turmeric, and Vit.D-3. Green tea also has it's benefits. For at least the past 2 years my blood levels have been where there should be. Unfortunately, I was diag. with lymphoma cancer in 2009, due to lack of info. from DR. I could have nip this in the butt earlier, I have started chemo, feeling good so far I really think what I do for RA is helping me along with the cancer, doing some holistic cures for cancer along with chemo. Take Care.

Replied by Ksuter (Henderson, Nevada) on 11/23/2010

Hi Dorie from Sterling Heights, Michigan
Could you elaborate what natural things you are doing for your chemo and leukemia. My husband is fighting Chronic lymphocytic leukemia now and is going to have chemo in December and we want to reduce the side affects of chemo if possible using natural herbs or natural products and build up his immune system afterwards. He will have Rituxan, Fludara, Cytoxan. We have held off as much as possible but his spleen is so huge now and causing tons of problems and his blood counts have hit all time lows now. It has become active since June.

We follow a very healthy veggie plus protein diet with complex carbs and no sugar or processed anything. We have put chemo off as long as we can hoping that all the healthy changes we made would prolong his stable state. He has been working on his pH and has had it up to 8 now for not quite a week and holding strong. He has had two blood transfusions, and terrible heart palpitations helped by the ACV and baking soda mentioned on this sight. We also use Cell Food to stop the palpitations. His spleen takes all his iron and is also taking his protein. His weight has sunk over the past 3 months. He has no energy of course and had to finally go on disability.

So far in all my searches I have found only two people on the internet that claim to have been cured by alkalizing and changing to a healthy diet, having all fillings and bridges removed and both are now cured. I think both are from Australia. They are my hope that it is possible to cure this dreaded cancer. If anyone has any more info on this it would be helpful.


Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/23/2010

Hi Ksuter, I'm so sorry you are having to deal w/ this. I just thought I'd pass on some important people in this area of healing through diet. They are both world- renowned doctors in this field and both have healing clinics here in the U.S. They are Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Gabriel Cousens and you can search them on youtube and listen to them speak about their protocols. Dr. Clement offers quite a comprehensive amount of info on youtube and there are whole series of him up there you can watch.

For your info since I see you are in Nevada, Dr. Cousens place is in Arizona. It's called The Tree of Life I believe. You can google that and read about his Rejuvenation Center and the programs he offers. Both doctors have miraculous stories to tell of people being healed of life-threatening diseases. I wish you the best, Lisa


Replied by Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, Usa) on 11/23/2010

Hello Ksuter. I wish I could be of more help to you. The only thing that comes to mind is the Gerson Therapy. Do research on it. There are documentaries on this doctor and his therapy. Hope everything works out for you and your husband.

Replied by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales Uk) on 11/28/2010

Hi x I'm so sorry that you and your loved ones are going through this hell. I lost my beloved Mother recently, to this dreadful disease, and also other much loved family to it. They went back to our creator, in a very short time of each other, and I also lost friends to it at the same time. My younger sister, lost her faith in a higher power for quite a while too. She was continuously ringing me up, screaming, "WHAT SORT OF GOD IS THAT? TO TAKE OUR MUM AND DAD, AND THE REST OF OUR FAMILY, AWAY IN SUCH AN AWFUL WAY? But I didn't see it like that. Good or bad things will happen, none of us can say why, but , it's meant to be. Please don't be offended, but life chugs on and yes, there have been many times when I myself wanted to end it all. I actually set off into the woodlands, where I live, to kill myself and to make sure no one would find me, but they did and I ended up in E. R. That was when I had an Epiphany, and woke up to the fact that there were other people hurting inside, and I was still here because our creator had a plan for me. Also my Auntie was sent home when conventional medicine, was no good at all. That was 40 years ago, and she is still with us, Amen!

EARTH CLINIC, is a wonderful website, and everyone on here is like finding family you never knew existed, there is so much love and caring for, not just their own ailments, but every one Else's suffering too. And like others before me, I wish I had found this site before and if I had, then the afore mentioned remedies could have probably saved the people I loved so much. But now I have, there are many other people who need help that I can help using the remedies here on earth clinic. You are never alone on earth clinic, like I said earlier, its like finding a family you never knew you had. I hope and pray that you find the information you need to heal your loved ones here at EARTH CLINIC. MAY THE POSITIVE HEALING THAT FLOWS ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, SMILE KINDLY UP ON YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES AND CHASE YOUR PAIN AWAY. MUCH LOVE TO

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Replied by Holly (White River Jct, Vermont) on 03/08/2012

If she eats organic, great. If dairy, RAW?? that is great healthwise. Serrapeptase enzyme is amazing for auto-immune, as well as Wheat free, gluten free, a good book, not great but informative is 'wheat belly'. Helps to know what other food triggers can come into play while trying to get off wheat addiction. Also almost every person has metal and other toxins that compromise their health, do some type of chelation(what ever form works for you, we did ______ products (spray under tongue) as we all had no success w/ standard metal detoxing, it would move around but not leave, lymphatic and digestive failures) and see natural med. Dr. Who does applied Kinesiology--then you know how much to take and the right product to take.

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