Are There Natural Remedies to Kill a Benign Brain Tumor?

Posted By Anders (Denmark ) on 10/22/2015

Hi, are there any ways to naturally kill a benign brain tumor that is non cancerous? The doctors tried to remove the tumor by surgery, but they couldn't operate succesfully..


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Replied by Timh (KY) on 10/23/2015

A: The combination of Magnet Therapy followed by Zapping would be worth an effort. I have used these therapies on my brain for chronic infections for several yrs now with no bad side-effects and good results overall. A heat-pad, used moderately would also be worth a try as this can soften & penetrate the cyst/tumor and cause disruptions or death.

You may also research the possibility of pork tapeworm (Taenia solium) disease/cyst, which has a natural affinity for the brain region of the body. You must do a very careful historical analysis to determine any or all risk factors, and if they are high, then you should consider seeking a professional parasitologist or at least begin an herbal anti-parasite protocol in combination with the previous suggested remedies.


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/23/2015

Anders, look into clay applications.

Replied by Mt (Ottawa) on 10/23/2015

Frankincense essential oil-one drop under the tongue a few times a day. Before starting be sure you are not allergic to it.

Replied by Lana (On) on 12/25/2015

Has anyone had any documented success with frankincense?

Replied by Sharon (Md) on 05/02/2016

Yes, in Ty Bollinger's latest series of videos on curing cancer, The Truth about Cancer, episode 2, there is a young woman who had a cancerous tumor partially surgically removed and afterwards she took frankincense, two drops on her tongue, rubbed it on the roof of her mouth every two hours, I believe, and cured herself. The first two videos are free to watch and she can be found on video 2 about minute 46. You will be very encouraged by her. My only question is does this also work for a benign tumor.

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