Apple Cider Vinegar and Dietary Suggestions Needed for Hives

Posted By Reddy (Raleigh, USA) on 06/15/2008

I am suffering with chronic hive since 2 years. i used doxipin,zantac,allegra and other allergic anti histamines.but no I started taking Apple cider vinegar,zyrtec daily once still my hives are not gone completely.They keep comming for no reason. my question is Do we need to take ACV daily morning on empty stomoch or does not matter?. Also Could you please suggest about diet as well to cure the hives.

Replied by Nancy777_68 (Portland, or) on 06/08/2009

You should actually go on a low histamine diet. Many foods are high in histamine or block DAO, Diamide Oxidase, a chemical produced in the gut that helps to flush histamine from the body. Foods such as vinegar, apple cider, grapes, citrus, etc can cause your DAO levels to plummet and your histamine levels to become toxic and thus present as hives. It is called histamine intolerance. Go online and look at histamine free foods and keep to it, you also need to look at the possiblity of celiacs or and thyroid disease as these can also cause histamine intolerance and hives or uticaria. Good luck. PS, most soft drinks, teas and chocolate are off limits too.

Replied by Fly (Mableton, Georgia, Usa) on 10/03/2011

My daughter is 7 and weighs 55 lbs. How much Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda can I give her safely to try to cure or control her acute hives. Please help... She is miserable and I am exhausted from being up every night with the poor thing.

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